
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 23:32:12
某工厂由于生产成本降低,产品价格每年降低1/4.已知现在生产的产品价格是6400元,则4年后的产价格是 巧克力的生产成本真的有那么高? In my eyes,he should be ---------- A relied B reliable on C reliable D reliance可以告诉我选c的理由 初二上册二单元,1915年中国同盟会在上海成立,决定以”驱除鞑虏,恢复中华,创立民国,节制资本”为革命宗旨,并出版机关报《民报》,宣传革命.在《民报》的发刊词里,孙中山提出“民族”、“ You should send me the report on the program(immediate) 分别用1句话叙述历史初二上册2单元就是洋务运动,戊戌变法,辛亥革命,新文化运动. our opinions should always (base)on facts 怎么分东西南北 初二历史主要内容 (2)、初二历史求助,一定会采纳! You should send me the report on the program (immediate) _________________. 不知道东西南北怎么分 怎么分方向东西南北怎么区分东西南北啊?最好通俗点,最近想去别的城市玩,自己带着指南针当是我想学怎么能够根据太阳或者周围别的办法来准确判断. 黄河的歌曲像《黄河大合唱》《黄河颂》《保卫黄河》 一旦深入骨髓,只能等死,医生再也无能为力了.想到什么成语 急、形容人无能为力的成语? 家有什么特别含义 如何在没有工具、太阳的情况下分辨东西南北? 东西南北怎么区分具体怎么区分啊!不要指南针就那么难分辨吗 元家草草是什么意思?有怎样的寓意? jet li is a great a__________ Do you have a volleyballs?does Gina has a tennis racket?Does they have a computer?James have three books and a pencil case.全是改错题 Classes begin ______seven fifty -five. 试说明事业部制的组织机制的特点. He is so young that he can’t go to school=He isn’t_ _to go school=He is _young_go to school怎么填 Tony can' t ( ) speakC.speakD.speaking at the airport,the suspect got caught by the waiting police从下面四个选项有一个填进空白A.When arrived b.As soon as arrived c.Upon he arrived d.Upon his arriving Some people like to surf on the Internet,but ____ like to read books.a.another b.otherc.others d.the other In some parks visitors are requested to keep ______ the grass1.I’m shocked 2.I’m puzzled 3.I’m amazed 4.I feel pity "seven fifty-five"前加什么介词 M—— likes eating peaches very much 亮点计划上的 【弱弱的问一句】的英语怎么说“弱弱的问一句”这句,就这句,用英语怎么说