Most want to go to the country:Canada,Japan怎么读

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 20:38:51
Most want to go to the country:Canada,Japan怎么读

Most want to go to the country:Canada,Japan怎么读
Most want to go to the country:Canada,Japan怎么读

Most want to go to the country:Canada,Japan怎么读
Most = KK [most] DJ [məust]
want = KK [wɑnt] DJ [wɔnt]
to = KK [tu] DJ [tu:]
go = KK [go] DJ [gəu]
to = KK [tu] DJ [tu:]
the = KK [ðə] DJ [ðə]
country = KK [ˋkʌntrɪ] DJ [ˋkʌntri]
Canada = KK [ˋkænədə] DJ [ˋkænədə]
Japan = KK [dʒəˋpæn] DJ [dʒəˋpæn]


音译:某死特 网特 图 够 图 惹 砍吹 :KE 那大,借盘~

某斯特 望特 图 够 图 则 康锤 看那大 遮潘