
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 21:08:44


I had already written a lot of things without a topic,write anarticle with an topic suddenly makes me feel a little bit not satisfied.I chosea topic randomly—revenge.They all made me selected these topic.Why is that?Becausethe handsome Qiu failed my exam before and I would like to revenge you.Ha,okay,anyway I chose this topic and it is really interesting.
However,not because I thought that you failed my exam,and I took it again andyou failed it again and then study it for another time.That’s not important.XueyinWang have already told me about it.You know that.
I read a book two days ago and it have a small sectionabout-- so this topic is not thatun-known to me.
Revenge,have to start from an enemy.And it lead me to anotherquestion:nowadays in this society,will it be not fashion that have a enemy?Thereis a quote in the movie >:big guys focus onbenefit or lose while children focus on right or wrong.Nowadays in thissociety which main point is “benefit”,you are talking about enemy.It’s reallyfunny.Okay,I will back to the topic.
I think,emmm…,many people believed that every stage of theirs livesshould have a enemy.Throughout the enemy can make us grow up.And also becauseof the enemy we have our energy to keep going.They thought that they have to havea better life than their enemy does,then their lives are significant.There isan old quote said that:use others as a mirror,you can find what you get orlose.In this quote,the others probably mean enemy.Your enemy lose,then youare benefit,your enemy gain,then you lose.the relationship between these twopeople are not very good,though there are a little bit sympathy for others.Actuallyafter years,there will be some strange things happened and make these enemiesbecome friends.Hahhhhh….
But there are also many people think that if you use anger torespond anger,there will never come an end.People need to use their goodsides to respond bad behaviors.The target of Mr.Sanzang went to the west isfor eliminate the enmity between people.I agree with these ideas.When you areusing good behaviors to face bad behaviors,you not only delete a hate,but getthe agreement from others.
Emmmh… how should I said that,I have a different idea that usinga good behaviors to respond bad behaviors is the point which you have when youare success.Just like Xin Han was promote as a leader of his hometown.He praisethe people who shame on him.
But to a people have not success yet,this is impossible andthis lead to a revenge.
As a not success person,to the people who bully me,when I can controlthem one day,I will make them dead ugly.Ha just joking.
And here comes an end.Revengewill make people tired.Just relax and reading some books.
About enemy I want to say some other words.Actually you don’treally need a enemy.If you are better than that you in the past,win the onewho you think you are.If you can win yourselves,can you be wined by others?

英语翻译写了太久的无命题的东西了,突然间写这种有题目的东西好像不那么自在.随便挑了一个题目.复仇.他们都让我选这个题目,为什么呢,因为潇洒的秋少爷挂过我.然后我要报复你,哈哈.好 英语翻译英文的,太久了真是忘记. 分子是9的最大真分数是什么?什么是真分数?太久了我都忘记了,突然想到 等待太久得来的东西,多半已经不是当初自己想要的样子了, 他休息的太久了 眼睛突然冒出火苗样子的星星是什么原因坐在电脑面前太久了,就走出卧室.突然眼睛出现火苗形状的星星 有一个女的在烧菜,突然电话响了,她忙去接,结果聊得太久了,回到厨房时,锅已经着火了,接下来她该咋办?请继续写下去,用英语,不少于70字 不太懂这句话 我站的太久说的太久我自己都累了,你怎么还是听不懂,我写的太多写的太久我自己都累了,你怎么还是看不懂. 假命题的否命题是真命题这句话对么 晕了突然 ”等待太久得来的东西,多半已经不是当初自己想要的样子了”用粤语怎么说? 半命题作文不要太老套乱七八糟的还是别写了 《偶然》或者《牵手》命题的作文不用写太深奥,初三水平就可以了! 我离开你太久了,用英语翻译出来 英语翻译1 你打字速度太快了 / 太慢了 2 你字写的太快 / 太慢了 将矿泉水的塑料瓶拧久了,知道变形,突然打开盖子,会有白气冒出? 地球突然消失,人类失去了什么有意义的东西 银饰的东西带久了,会氧化吗.要用什么东西清理 突然忘记一个成语了我刚刚写东西时突然忘记了那个成语就是形容一个人当初被人看低,如今已经截然相反的成语是什么?