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尤里 奥洛夫看到弟弟所预言的大屠杀后说:
They say"evil prevails when good men fail to act".What they ought to say is "evil prevails".
Pleasure doing business with you.
尤里 奥洛夫看到独裁者时说:
I now shared even more in common with the Ieader of that country God seemed to have forsaken.We saw somthing in each other neither one of us liked.Or maybe we were just looking in the mirror.
尤里 奥洛夫被捕前说:
I'd paid a Monrovian doctor $20 to remove the lead from Vitaly's body.And write a bogus death certificate.I should have paid more.I've smuggled millions of rounds of ammunition,and the bullet that lands me in jail is found under my dead brother's rib.
警 察:Yuri Orlov,We're the Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco and Firearms.
尤里 奥洛夫:Let me guess.This isn't about the alcohol or tobacco.
尤里 奥洛夫听到父母不认自己时说:
There are only two tragedies in life.One is not getting what you want ,the other is getting it.
杰克 范伦 :Having you seen today's paper?There is hardly a warlord,dictator or despot
尤里 奥洛夫 :Tell me I'm everything you despise.That I'm the personification of evil.That I'm responsible for the breakdown of the fabric of society and world order.I'm a one-man genocide.Say everything you want to say to me now.Cause you don't have long.
杰克 范伦 :Are you paying attention?Or are you delusional?You have broken every arms embargo written.
尤里 奥洛夫 :My family has disowned me.My life and son have left me.My brother's dead.
You call me evil.But unfortunately for you,I'm a necessary evil.
杰克 范伦 :I would tell you to go to hell.I think you're already there.
尤里 奥洛夫 :
Most people are happy just toget out of jail.I expect to be paid to Ieave.I'm not a fool.I konw that just because they need me that day.Didn't mean they wouldn't make me a scapegoat the next ,But I was back,doing what i do best.
非 洲 士 兵:Umbrellas to the Sahara?
尤里 奥洛夫 :Sun umbrellas.
尤里 奥洛夫 :
You konw who's going to inherit the Earth?
Arms dealers.
Because everyone else is too busy killing each other.That's the secret to survival.Never go to war.Especially with yourself.

《战争之王》的最后那句英文台词,好像是关于魔鬼的 小孩不笨第12集最后的一句台词(whatever之前那句),用英文 盗梦空间的英文一句有关火车的台词!就是梅尔说的,好像是,你在等一辆火车,那辆火车可以把你带到很远的地方.(中间的不记得了).然后最后一句好像是因为我们在一起.我想要这句完整的话,然 战争之王最后结束时的引英文是什么意思 在国王的演讲电影中,bertie最后鼓舞英国人民面对战争的那段演讲直播,哪位可以给我英文台词,英文的就okthanks 谁知道《功夫之王》的英文台词? 功夫梦中成龙的那句励志台词(英文) 求一首英文歌 那首歌是反战争的一个美国十一二岁得小男孩唱的里面唱的最多的那句好像是dont me why 我要战争之王 Lord Of War 英文剧本和中文台词战争之王 Lord Of War 英文剧本和中文台词完整版,TXT或word 格式 想要吸血鬼日记第二季第八集最后Damon告白那一段的英文台词 谢谢 莎士比亚说的一句话在《戏王之王》里面也说过的.好像是在最后结束的时候. 有一句话,好像是:世界就是一个舞台,每个人都是演员等等.我想要完整的一句.谢谢. 求 里赵本山的那句经典的英文台词!要英文的! 请问这是那部电影的台词 这句台词用英文怎么说这翻译太逗了 变形金刚3里擎天柱在桥上打败御天敌后,说了一句台词,求那句话,好像是战友可能背叛你…但信念……求完整的那句话, 求一首好听的英文歌的名字.求广东电台音乐之声(FM99.3)2013.8.9晚《夜色无边》里面那首英文歌(好像是11点17分的时候).一个女的唱的.没伴奏的时候还清唱几句,最后一句翻译好像是~把别 电影大话西游最后一部的最后一句台词,“你看那个人,好奇怪哟,象一条狗.” 战争之王片尾屏幕的几句英文是什么意思就是在结束的时候说的什么超级武器国家有美国 英国还有中国那几句显示在屏幕上的那几段字是什么意思 temorrow is a anther day那句经典的英文台词是这样的吗`