
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 10:24:45


我给你推荐一篇文章 题目是please dress in red 你认真地看完这篇文章,它一定会打动你.
生命是这样,既使病态,也同样美好.这个是鼓励孩子抗战艾滋病的话题 我是在英语沙龙上看到的
Please Dress Me in Red
I have worked with numerous children infected with the virus (病毒
)that causes AIDS.The relation ships that I have had with these special kids have been gifts in my life.They have taught me so many things,but I have especially learned that great courage can be found in the smallest of packages2).Let me tell you about Tyler.
Tyler was born infected with HIV;his mother was also infected.From the very beginning of his life,he was dependent on medications to enable him to survive.When he was five,he had a tube surgically(在外科手术上) inserted in a vein(静脉,血管)in his chest.This tube was connected to a pump,which he carried in a small backpack on his back.Medications were hooked up to this pump and were continuously supplied through this tube to his bloodstream.At times(有时,间或),he also needed supplemented oxygen to support his breathing.
Tyler wasn't willing to give up one single moment of his childhood to this deadly disease.It was not unusual to find him playing and racing around his backyard,wearing his medicine-laden backpack and dragging his tank of oxygen behind him in his little wagon.All of us who knew Tyler marveled(感到惊讶,感到好奇) at his pure joy in being alive and the energy it gave him.Tyler's mom often teased him by telling him that he moved so fast she needed to dress him in red.That way,when she peered through the window to check on him playing in the yard,she could quickly spot him.
This dreaded disease eventually wore down(使精疲力竭,使消瘦
) even the likes of a little dynamo(发电机,电动机) like Tyler.He grew quite ill and,unfortunately,so did his HIV-infected mother.When it became apparent that he wasn't going to survive,Tyler's mom talked to him about death.She comforted him by telling Tyler that she was dying too,and that s he would be with him soon in heaven.
A few days before his death,Tyler beckoned(示意,召唤) me over to his hospital bed and whispered,“I might die soon.I'm not scared.When I die,please dress me in red.Mom promised she's coming to heaven,too.I'll be playing when she gets there,and I want to make sure she can find me.”


Two frogs
A group of frogs were traveling through the woods,and two of them fell into a deep pit.When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was,they told the two frogs that they were as good as ...


Two frogs
A group of frogs were traveling through the woods,and two of them fell into a deep pit.When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was,they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead.The two grogs didn't give up and tried their best to jump up out of the pit.The other frogs kept telling them to shop,that they were as good as dead.Finally,one of the frogs believed what the other frogs were saying and gave up.He fell down and died.
The other frog continued to jump as he could.Once again,the other frogs shouted at him to stop the pain and just die.He jumped even harder and finally succeeed.When he got out,the other frogs said,"Didn't you hear us?"The frog explained to them that he was deaf.He thought they were encouraging him all the time.


求初一简单的小故事大约三分钟、要短的、最好没有生词.急用!参加英语风采大赛的那种!带翻译! 初一英语课前三分钟,简单、短的小故事,笑话或名言 求一篇适合初一的英语小故事 *要短 三分钟的英语小故事带翻译初一水平 有趣的英语小故事 因为我要参加口语比赛,要一篇简单易懂的,一分钟到两分钟这样.最好多写几个,方便选材,一个也没关系.如果我满意的话再加一些分值吧!也不要太短,大约100个单词,那个 跪求初一上册英语小故事里面的单词三年级也好初一也好什么都可以啊,最好是笑话!(短一点,三分钟之内讲完!)越多越好! 适合于初一年级的英语小故事要短的 三分钟小故事求三分钟的小故事,有趣一点,不要太长也别太短. 《我爱我的祖国》英语小短文短一点的,三分钟可以讲完的,简单一点的,初一可以看懂的. 求推荐英语小故事请帮我写一个英语小故事,要简单一点的,大约60个单词,要初一的单词,高年级的看不懂,带翻译 英语小故事,要短一点,简单一点的. 求历史小故事要3分钟之内讲完的越短越好,不要太短. 关于法制小故事最短的 急需最短的哲理小故事 求文言小故事,要短的一定要短啊 有没有有关地理的趣味小故事最好读完需三分钟,短一点较好. 简单的哲理故事...要最短的..如题..最短 .最短.2分钟内能讲完的故事...2分钟内能讲完的故事...2分钟内能讲完的故事...2分钟内能讲完的故事...2分钟内能讲完的故事...2分钟内能讲完的故事...2 爱迪生的小科学故事?短~~~一定要最短!