阅读填词,急being a volunteer is great If you are a good singer,you could volunteer to()for the sick to ()them up in the local hospital.If you're good at ()basketball,the schools also()your help.You could help coach a basketball tean for litt

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 03:35:31
阅读填词,急being a volunteer is great If you are a good singer,you could volunteer to()for the sick to ()them up in the local hospital.If you're good at ()basketball,the schools also()your help.You could help coach a basketball tean for litt

阅读填词,急being a volunteer is great If you are a good singer,you could volunteer to()for the sick to ()them up in the local hospital.If you're good at ()basketball,the schools also()your help.You could help coach a basketball tean for litt
being a volunteer is great If you are a good singer,you could volunteer to()for the sick to ()them up in the local hospital.If you're good at ()basketball,the schools also()your help.You could help coach a basketball tean for little kids!If you like surfing online,you could help tezch the kids()to use computers!If you love reading,you could also help teenagers!If you want to help homeless and ()people,youcould work at a foodbank.If you want to be a veterinarian in the(),you could()time working in the zoos or animals hospital.That would be a great experience()you.Volunteers are needed!Come and ()us!

阅读填词,急being a volunteer is great If you are a good singer,you could volunteer to()for the sick to ()them up in the local hospital.If you're good at ()basketball,the schools also()your help.You could help coach a basketball tean for litt
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