江湖救急!急!请高人帮我翻译几段英文!Four over 96 years we’ve been protecting people from a rainy day , and now we’re serving today’s generation.With personal banking products like our Equity Credit Line. It lets you use the roof

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 12:27:30
江湖救急!急!请高人帮我翻译几段英文!Four over 96 years we’ve been protecting people from a rainy day , and now we’re serving today’s generation.With personal banking products like our Equity Credit Line. It lets you use the roof

江湖救急!急!请高人帮我翻译几段英文!Four over 96 years we’ve been protecting people from a rainy day , and now we’re serving today’s generation.With personal banking products like our Equity Credit Line. It lets you use the roof
Four over 96 years we’ve been protecting people from a rainy day , and now we’re serving today’s generation.With personal banking products like our Equity Credit Line. It lets you use the roof over head to gain a personal line of credit .We want to talk to you about it . And about all your banking needs.If you don’t want to get wet , give us a call.
Call it Wrigleys
Call it spearm int
Call it Gum
A promise to at tend recitals, late meeting no twith standing.
A promise no t to show up w hen you’re with your friends at the mall.
A promise to keep it all safe no matter what.
Nothing binds us one to the other like apromise kept. Nothing divides u s like a prom ise broken. At Mass Mutual we belive in keeping our promises. That way all the families and businesses that rely on u s can keep theirs.

江湖救急!急!请高人帮我翻译几段英文!Four over 96 years we’ve been protecting people from a rainy day , and now we’re serving today’s generation.With personal banking products like our Equity Credit Line. It lets you use the roof
没有任何东西能阻隔我们的承诺,即使别人的承诺被打破了也不会把我们分开.在 MassMutual,维护我们的承诺是我们的信念,也因此,所有依靠我们的家庭及企业也可以维持他们的承诺.



