听译 英语翻译http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjU1NjA0Njky.html

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听译 英语翻译http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjU1NjA0Njky.html

听译 英语翻译http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjU1NjA0Njky.html
听译 英语翻译http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjU1NjA0Njky.html

听译 英语翻译http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjU1NjA0Njky.html
Good morning,I would like to extend the warm welcome to President Obama,Secretary of Education Arne Duncan,White House staff,school board members,county board members,superintendent Doctor Patrick Murphy,Senior Staff,Principal Doris Jackson,Wakefield Faculty,and of course,my fellow classmates.
I'm honored to have been chosen to speak before my classmates as well as the students across American today.Over these past 3 years,I have taken the advantage of every academic,extracurricular and community opportunity that has been presented to me.As I reflect,a scholar expressed disappointment within my writing and challenged me to do better.Being reassigned to another class wasn't an option.After that experience,I was determined to excel.Therefore,I managed to succeed within the advanced placement class by maintaining focus along with using a setback as constructive energy.As I stand before my peers today,I want you to know that excellent education opportunities may be handed to us.But as students,we must take responsibility for our future.We may be taught,but we must take ownership of our learning.As senior class president,I encourage all of our freshmen to take advantage of the opportunites that Wakefield High School has to offer.
Along with inspiration I have taken from President Obama,I would not be standing here before you to introduce the President of the United States if I had not been here at Wakefield High School in Arlington,Virginia pursuing my education.Just as we are fortune to have President Obama come here to Wakefield today to speak to us,we are also fortunate that after he leaves,we will continue to have the opportunities and support that Wakefield gives to all of us.
At this time,it is with great honor and pride that I ask everyone to stand to welcome the man who proved "Yes,we can!" Ladies and gentlemen,please join me in welcoming the President of the United States of America,Barack Obama.

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