找一篇关于 音乐影响心情 的英语短文100字左右

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找一篇关于 音乐影响心情 的英语短文100字左右

找一篇关于 音乐影响心情 的英语短文100字左右
找一篇关于 音乐影响心情 的英语短文

找一篇关于 音乐影响心情 的英语短文100字左右
Good music has direct access to the emotions. As such it's a fantastic tool for tweaking our moods. Saarikallio and Erkkila (2007) investigated the ways people use music to control and improve their mood by interviewing eight adolescents from Finland. The participants may be a small, very specific group, but they actually present a really useful list:
Entertainment - At the most fundamental level music provides stimulation. It lifts the mood before going out, it passes the time while doing the washing up, it accompanies travelling, reading and surfing the web.
Revival - Music revitalises in the morning and calms in the evening.
Strong sensation - Music can provide deep, thrilling emotional experiences, particularly while performing.
Diversion - Music distracts the mind from unpleasant thoughts which can easily fill the silence.
Discharge - Music matching deep moods can release emotions: purging and cleansing.
Mental work - Music encourages daydreaming, sliding into old memories, exploring the past.
Solace - Shared emotion, shared experience, a connection to someone lost.
These seven strategies all aim for two goals: controlling and improving mood. One of the beauties of music is it can accomplish more than one goal at a time. Uplifting music can both divert, entertain and revive. Sad, soulful music can provide solace, encourage mental work and discharge emotions. The examples are endless.
Many of Saarikallio and Erkkila's findings chime with previous research. For example, distraction is considered one of the most effective strategies for regulating mood. Music has also been strongly connected with reflective states. These tend to allow us greater understanding of our emotions.
One of the few negative connections Saarikallio and Erkkila consider is that sad music might promote rumination. Rumination is the constant examination of emotional state which, ironically, can lead to less clarity. On the contrary, however, Saarikallio and Erkkila found that music increased the understanding of feelings, an effect not associated with rumination.
Music is a past time, a hobby, and a passion. The claim that music can influence a person’s mood makes perfect sense. Music can actually affect a person’s behavior and mood. It can influence, for example, the length of time that one chooses to spend in a mall. Stores that target older shoppers might play “elevator” type music at a lower volume, while stores that target a younger age group look for more upbeat music played at a higher volume. This can then enhance the shoppers to spend more money in that store. If music didn’t affect a person’s mood, they would play the same music in every store, or none at all.
Have you ever heard the saying “hooked on a feeling?” It really happens. For example, during the Christmas season many people listen to Christmas music. This helps them stay in that state of euphoria all month long and brings them back to happy memories of when they were children who still believed in the miracle of Santa Clause
Another relation of music to a person’s mood is the pitch of the music. The higher the pitch connects with a certain mood, like being able to notice when a person’s voice is a different pitch. When the person’s tone or pitch changes that is a sure sign of a change in mood or emotion. Music is a part of all activities. It is rare for a person to sit down and just listen to music. For some activities like cleaning and exercising upbeat music give motivation. Responses to music are easy to be detected in the body. Most classical music causes the heartbeat and pulse to relax.
Music affects different people in different ways. Therefore, music affects all people. Hearing a certain song usually triggers a certain emotion linked to that song. Some of the emotions are derived from experiences, others from daydreams. For example memories of a time when you had a relative pass away or when you graduated high school. All of these specific and monumental events in your life are brought back to you when you listen to a certain song or type of music. The sensations that come from listen
From the beginning of time, the power of music has been recognized as one of the greatest aids in changing consciousness of people and those around them. All good music that's created by an artist with talent and passion is going to be emotional. But that does not necessarily mean it's a carrier or emotion. Too be a carrier of emotion one would presume that every time you heard that particular song you would snap back into that first emotion you felt. I do not believe that that is ever the case. I have a few songs that bring back unpleasant emotions but not because of the music or the lyrics but because when I first heard the particular songs I was in a negative situation. I don't believe that music itself carries emotion but if the listener can relate or first listens to the song in an emotional situation, then music can tie a not around that emotion and we unconsciously untie that not when the song is listened too.
I realized a long time ago that music, does in fact, effect my mood greatly. I figured this out by noticing that depending on what was on the radio when I woke up to my alarm really made my day go a certain way. Needless to say, once I figured this out, I immediately went out and bought a Sony Dream-Machine CD Alarm clock. So now I always make sure I have it set to a song that has positive energy to it.
Beyond just waking up to music, I listen to music all day long. Usually really upbeat stuff, unless i’m feeling down, then I feed the saddness with melancholy music to get through whatever is bothering me.
Now, when I write, I make sure that the music matches the theme/feeling of what i’m writing. So, when i’m working on my paranormal romance, I listen to Apocalyptica, or a soundtrack to a paranormal themed TV show or movie (Twilight, The Craft, Charmed, Underworld, etc.) When i’m working on my Fantasy Trilogy, I usually put in some Loreena Mckennit or Enya to set the place in my mind.
Music is a great way for a person to relax their mind, and allow them to forget about their troubles. It's very healthy for a person to have music in their life. Sometimes we don't listen to enough music, and believe it or not, that can put a damper on our mood and attitude. So listen to your favorites groups, solo artist and let music make you feel at peace.
Step 1Gain confidence in yourself. I think a persons subconscious can establish confidence when listening to music. Do you ever notice that when there's a song on, one you really love, it quickly allows you to forget about your troubles? I especially find music helpful, when I am struggling to find my confidence. There can just be a few lyrics in a song that we relate to, then we automatically can feel more relieved.
Step 2Let it motivate yourself. Music can really motivate a person, I really believe that. These are artists, who do a great job at inspiring their listeners. Especially music that is uplifting and has a positive message in its lyrics. You must be careful, and not literally live your life by what an artist says. Although it's just music, you just want to use in a positive way in your life. You don't want to literally live by it. Some music, not judging on preferences, can have the wrong impact on a person. It's not about genres, or preferences, it's about trying to listen to music that has a positive message. Music can be very powerful, when it comes to effecting what a person is thinking. A lot of times you can tell where a persons mind is at, just by the type of music they are listening to.
Step 3Allows you to think clearer. Let me use an example, when I tend to write, I listen to music. You can assume music can be distracting, maybe in certain aspects, possibly. For instance, I feel it allows our minds to relax, and not have to think so much. Thinking too much, doesn't always allow us to think effectively. Music just allows things to come more naturally and easier. Ironic, I'm writing this article without listening to music at the moment. Maybe I should put on some Springsteen. Seriously though, try listening to some music, when your mind feels extremely cluttered. It really helps quite a bit. Having a relaxed mind, allows you to focus more.
Step 4Inspires the creative side in you. Like I've stated, music can be extremely uplifting. When you are listening to it, a lot of creative thinking techniques can come out of a person. When I tend to listen to brilliant artists, for example like Springsteen, Dylan, the Stones, Billy Joel, I'm just lost in their ability to paint a picture with a story from their songs. Just listening to the lyrics, they inspire myself to express whatever creative side that I have. Obviously they're extremely talented, but they also have an open mind, and they're not afraid to express themselves. Their most inner thoughts are expressed to the public in their songs. For instance, I think Bruce Springsteen is an extremely emotional artist. That emotion carries into what makes him into the living legend that he is. So listening to music can teach us to have more of an open mind. Having an open mind, inspires us to show more of a creative side.