
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 18:53:54


1、 Her mum was in the kitchen when Amy rushed in."How was school?" asked Mrs Harris expecting the usual answer,"OK" "It was great," cried Amy."A lady gave us a talk on wildlife and she showed us a hedgehog.I'm going to become a hedgehog expert." "A hat?" said Mrs harris."A hedgehog expert.Someone who knows all about hedgehogs." "That's good,"said Mrs Harris."You'll need to go to the library and see if you can find some books." "Oh dear,"Amy groaned."I'll have to see Mr Peck," Mr Peck was the children's librarian.He was a mean and miserable sort of person.He also lived next door to Amy.The library was almost empty when Amy arrived.She looked along the shelves,trying to find a book on hedgehogs."What are you doing?"snapped a voice behind her 3、 A pair of twin sisters,they look exactly alike.Only one way to distinguish them.Fiona dye their hair red,yellow Bertha dyed your hair.They lived in a cottage on Friday night,they went out,a city in the bulletin,wrestling big game,the referee from the above WeiSheng under the boxing game."Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to watching star fight." The room was flung open the door."She here." The boxing game referees shouted,"darling.Fair competition (name)!" A burst of cheering crowd.追问:翻译