
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 15:33:19


Australia's Golden Outback
Vast clear skies and theatrical landscapes.True outback adventures,authentic Aboriginal encounters and visits to settlements built by goldrush pioneers.
Images of the vast clear skies and theatrical landscapes of the Golden Outback region will stamp themselves forever in your minds eye.
This is the place for true outback adventure.Driving becomes an activity in itself rather than a means to an end,and camping under the stars is a mystical experience.
Look for tours offering authentic Aboriginal encounters in and around the mining towns and settlements built by goldrush pioneers.Or simply get into the laid back atmosphere of rural life among grandiose heritage buildings,friendly pubs and hospitable farmstays.

Australia has many characteristics that made it unique. For example, it’s flora and fauna, it’s nature resources, it’s landform, it’s river systems and it’s human characteristics.
The reason why ...


Australia has many characteristics that made it unique. For example, it’s flora and fauna, it’s nature resources, it’s landform, it’s river systems and it’s human characteristics.
The reason why there are many physical features is because the continent was isolated from others millions of years ago.
Australia has unique plants and animals. 80% of plants there cannot be seen anywhere else around the world naturally. They’ve got wet and dry sclerophyll forests, bush lands, rainforests and so on. There are special types of animals here like the marsupials and monotremes. It’s because their predators and competitors do not exist there. Other animals like reptiles, amphibians, birds are very different there too. They all developed features that suits the Australia environment.
Australia hasn’t got a lot of water resources but there are other resources like mineral and energy which they’ve got a lot. The most important mineral exports are iron ore, bauxite and so on. Most of them can be found in the western plateau region. Energy like fuel are from swamps buried millions of years ago.
Australia has unique landform. It’s the flattest and lowest continent on the earth. The highest mountain there (Mt. Kosciusko) is 2228 meters high.
The biggest drainage basin here is the Murry-Daring drainage basin. It holds the Murry River and the Daring River and flow to the Great Australia Bright.
People in Australia are very unique as well. Australia is a multi-culture country which have people from many culture backgrounds. It has the most culture diversity in the world.
So as we can see, Australia is a very unique country with unique physical and human characteristics.


An island that is isolated from other lands, inhabited by the exotic Great Barrier Reef, crystal clear water, golden beaches, wide open spaces, flora and fauna, basalt plains studded with extinct volc...


An island that is isolated from other lands, inhabited by the exotic Great Barrier Reef, crystal clear water, golden beaches, wide open spaces, flora and fauna, basalt plains studded with extinct volcanoes, rugged wilderness, scenic mountain ranges, extensive coastlines, surrounding tropical islands, vast rivers, and the oldest rainforest in the world and considered by many to be the most adventurous place on Earth.
Brief history: The Australian earliest inhabitants are 土著人. In1770, the English navigator James storehouse gram arrived at theAustralian East China Sea shore, announced England held this land. OnJanuary 26, 1788, the English first batch immigration arrived atAustralia, started to establish the colony in Australia, afterwardsthis day is decided as the Australian National Day. In July, 1900, theBritish Parliament passed "the Commonwealth of Australia constitution"and "the British 自治领 rule". On January 1, 1901, Australiarespectively colonized the area to change the state, establishedCommonwealth of Australia. In 1931, Australia became in the BritishCommonwealth of Nations the independent country. In 1986, the Englishparliament passed "with the Australian relations law", Australiaobtained the complete legislative power and the judicature trials infinal the power.
Crowd of kangaroos in new south Wales the state horse Cary wetlandlook for food
Politics: Queen of England is Australia's head of state,appoints governor by queen as the legal highest chief executive.Governor nominates by premier, appoints by queen. Wields the federalstate in under the federation administration conference consultationthe executive power, for legal highest chief executive. The federalparliament is Australia's highest lawmaking body, (represents and thesenate, the audiences two courtyards by queen by governor) iscomposed. On December 17, 1992, the Commonwealth of Australiagovernment cabinet council decision, Australia's new citizens nolonger took an oath to Queen of England and its the successor giveloyalty to.
On February 1, 2004, a row passenger train drives leaves
Australian Adelaide, go to Darwin, long starts it to amount to2,979 kilometers to go through vertically trip of the Australian. Thisrow including two locomotives and 43 compartments passenger trains isAustralia at present the longest train. It starts out symbolizedbetween Adelaide and Darwin goes through vertica
