In my opinion,students should not be judged by___ they have achieved in their study

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 09:12:16
In my opinion,students should not be judged by___ they have achieved in their study

In my opinion,students should not be judged by___ they have achieved in their study
In my opinion,students should not be judged by___ they have achieved in their study

In my opinion,students should not be judged by___ they have achieved in their study
In my opinion,students should not be judged by___ they have achieved in their study
空格处应填一个宾语再加上一个定语从句的引导词,也可以用what 代替上述结构.


填“not only”. 全句意思:学生不仅能只用他们在学业上的成就来判断好坏。“by"后面的句子是做宾语从句的,“not only”.做连词,引导宾语。


In my opinion, students should not be judged by_the returns__ they have achieved in their study

what 看翻译:在我看来,学生们不应通过学业上的成就而被评价好坏。they have achieved in thier study前缺一个连词,而what可以充当。

glory by是介词后加名词代词动名词,空格上的词又做了achieved的宾语,所以应该加一个与荣誉类似的词 看选项填吧

what they have achieved in their study 他们在学习上所取得的(成绩)
类似的用法: what they said 他们所说的(话)