都很几个英语题,希望能给个详细的解析,答案我是有的1`Shut the door because I want to keep the dog ____ .A at ,B for ,C up ,D in.2`He didn`tell us ___ .A What he will do ,B What he was going to do.3`This is a ramantic film ___in ch

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 10:19:45
都很几个英语题,希望能给个详细的解析,答案我是有的1`Shut the door because I want to keep the dog ____ .A at ,B for ,C up ,D in.2`He didn`tell us ___ .A What he will do ,B What he was going to do.3`This is a ramantic film ___in ch

都很几个英语题,希望能给个详细的解析,答案我是有的1`Shut the door because I want to keep the dog ____ .A at ,B for ,C up ,D in.2`He didn`tell us ___ .A What he will do ,B What he was going to do.3`This is a ramantic film ___in ch
1`Shut the door because I want to keep the dog ____ .A at ,B for ,C up ,D in.
2`He didn`tell us ___ .A What he will do ,B What he was going to do.
3`This is a ramantic film ___in china .A setting ,B to set ,C set ,D sets.
4`____ we to read English every morning.A should ,B Must ,C Ought ,D Ough to
5` In early 2000,Dr.Green ___Guangzhou to work.A returned ,B returned back ,C returned to ,D returned back to.
6`Do you know the fat boy with ___ our class teacher was talking just now.A who,B whom,C chat,D 不填.

都很几个英语题,希望能给个详细的解析,答案我是有的1`Shut the door because I want to keep the dog ____ .A at ,B for ,C up ,D in.2`He didn`tell us ___ .A What he will do ,B What he was going to do.3`This is a ramantic film ___in ch
1.D.keep the dog in.把狗关在家里
2.B.因为时态要保持一直.he didn't tell us说明这件事发生在过去,所以后面也应该用was going.
3.C.这句话已经有谓语了,is,所以首先排除sets.to set这个不定式也不对,没有这种用法.然后就看是setting 还是set.这部电影的背景设在中国,不是电影自己主动去设的,而是被设在中国.所以应该用被动,set的过去分词还是set.
4.C.这句话用正常语序说一遍你可能就会做了:we____ to read English every morning.Should,must后面都不能加to的,唯一可以加to的是ought.句子里面已经有to了,所以就填ought.
5.C.return to someplace.return back这种说法是不对的,return本身已经有回去的意思了,不用再加个back.除非是不太正式的场合,口语可以这么说.
6.B.果断排除C和D,都是狗屁不通的选项.到底是who还是whom呢?要看后面的从句.our class teacher was talking with,our teacher是主语,所以这个fat boy是宾语,宾语的先行词应该是whom

1d keep in 词组
1B 主句过去式,从句是过去进行时
5A return有返回的意思不用back

都很几个英语题,希望能给个详细的解析,答案我是有的1`Shut the door because I want to keep the dog ____ .A at ,B for ,C up ,D in.2`He didn`tell us ___ .A What he will do ,B What he was going to do.3`This is a ramantic film ___in ch 英语主语从句的问题,希望能给个比较详细的解析和答案~1、________matters much ________ the headmaster supports our activity.A.It; whether B.What; whether C.As; that D.That; if PVC增强网管需要哪些材料如题希望给个详细的配方.谢谢各种材料的比例是多少,化学名字和俗称都提供最好。 希望能给的详细点,谢谢 想买个爱车居车衣,但是不是很了解,希望知道的朋友能给个详细的介绍. 英语句子详细解析求英语名句,高三学生能理解的,在配上详细解析,例如里面的短语、语法的用法,翻译时的注意事项.给一句经典点的就行……我同学找了个一句里有5个that的,每个都不一样的 阴病治阳,阳病治阴.搜了很多次了,都找不到答案,希望谁能给我个解析, 英语完型填空解析. 从第80个一直到86个! 希望可以详细解释,而且可以详细解释我选错的那个答案英语完型填空解析. 从第80个一直到86个!希望可以详细解释,而且可以详细解释我选错的那个答 大一新生对英语考级的疑问[有加分的]我是大一的新生,对大学里的英语考级不是很清楚!希望知道的人,能给个详细点的介绍!我只听过什么四六级,什么公共英语考级!具体的都不清楚,只知道个 酒红灯绿希望能得到详细的解析Thankyou 中外教育发展历史及特征,希望能给个详细的回答希望能给个详细的回答 不要复制别人的答案 那个不全面 谁能告诉我这是啥意思?本人不懂英文!希望能给个详细的解释,要是给个解决办法更好! 什么是汽油的辛烷值?希望能给个详细点的回答, 希望能有人给我个详细的化学物质的学名、俗名及化学式 古希腊自然哲学对化学形成的影响希望明白人能给个详细的答案..越多越好 -In e2=x 则X=?希望能给个比较详细的讲解. CAD这幅图怎么画?希望能给个详细的解题过程 谁给我几个赞美大海的成语!(不少于3个)急吖````希望能尽快! LNG加气站分几个等级?谁能给个详细的规范,知道的告诉下,