谁整理点英语的词语的固定搭配(make sb do sth)或句式的固定搭配(it is adj to do sth),越多越好!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 03:35:53
谁整理点英语的词语的固定搭配(make sb do sth)或句式的固定搭配(it is adj to do sth),越多越好!

谁整理点英语的词语的固定搭配(make sb do sth)或句式的固定搭配(it is adj to do sth),越多越好!
谁整理点英语的词语的固定搭配(make sb do sth)或句式的固定搭配(it is adj to do sth),越多越好!

谁整理点英语的词语的固定搭配(make sb do sth)或句式的固定搭配(it is adj to do sth),越多越好!
-- make…out of 用…制造出
make paper out of waste wood
make money out of (靠…挣钱)one's research
-- be made of (from) / make… into… / be made in
-- make sense 有意义,讲得通
What he said makes no sense.
No matter how you read it,this sentence doesn't make (any) sense.
What you say does not make sense to me.
– make sense of 弄懂,sense 意为"意思意义".
Can you make sense of what this American is saying
-- make a note = make notes,take notes / make (take) a note (notes) of 把…记下来
She takes good notes of everything that's said in class.
I must make a note of your telephone number and address.
第八讲 动 词 (词组)(4)
-- take note of = take notice of注意到…
A detective is trained to take note of people and things.
Two boys were talking together in the back of the classroom but the teacher took no notice of them.
strike the right note说(或做)得恰当
-- make a (some,any,no) change / make some necessary changes
The design is excellent.We needn't make any changes.
▲ make up( form,consist of) 组成,占…
This made up 12% of their total income.Are all animal bodies made up of cells (组成)
The museum is made up of three parts.
▲ make up虚构,编造
The story which Tom told was not true,he made it all up.
The naughty child is good at making up excuses.
▲ make up和解
It's time you made up your quarrel with him.
Why don't you make it up with her
make up for the lost time
They need ten more men to make up their full complement.
Have you made up Mr Smith's order yet
-- make an effort to do sth.= try one's best to do sth.
make efforts做出努力,尽力make great efforts to do / make every effort尽一切努力
take back 使吃惊,使困惑
take after 与…想像
take apart 拆卸 ,拆开
take as 把…当作,认为
take away 减去
take back 收回(说错的话);使回忆起
take down拆卸 ,拆;记下,写下
take …for 把…认为是,把…看成为
take in 接纳,接受;包括;领会,理解;欺骗
take off 脱下;起飞;匆匆离开
take on 开始雇用;呈现,具有;同…较量,接受…挑战;承担,从事
take out 带出去;除掉,毁掉;取得,办理; (on)对…发泄
take over 接受,接管;承袭,借用
take to 对…产生好感,开始喜欢;开始从事,形成…的习惯
take up 开始从事;把…继续下去;着手处理;占据;接受邀请;(on)与…成为朋友

ask sb to do sth
tell sb to do sth
help sb with
see sb doing/do sth
let sb do
spend doing
there is going to be
get along/on with sb
one....,the other
start doing sth