用英语帮我介绍海贼王最好可以一段就好 简单明了 还要中文翻译~请给中文翻译 谢谢 请把翻译放在每句的下面

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 01:12:22
用英语帮我介绍海贼王最好可以一段就好 简单明了  还要中文翻译~请给中文翻译 谢谢  请把翻译放在每句的下面

用英语帮我介绍海贼王最好可以一段就好 简单明了 还要中文翻译~请给中文翻译 谢谢 请把翻译放在每句的下面
最好可以一段就好 简单明了 还要中文翻译~
请给中文翻译 谢谢 请把翻译放在每句的下面

用英语帮我介绍海贼王最好可以一段就好 简单明了 还要中文翻译~请给中文翻译 谢谢 请把翻译放在每句的下面
Long long ago,there lived a boy.His name is Luffy!His biggest dream, is to be the king of pirates in the future.He has many friends,and the friendship they belong,is much more worth than OP.
Long long time ago, the king of pirate-Gold.D Roger got caught by marine.When he almost got kill, he told everyone a secret, he leave every his own, by one piece...than, pirate become everybody's favorite job in that time...
Monkey.D Luffy, a little boy who met one of the most storngest pirate group when he was a child. The captain of that group-Shanks.LE Roux said: you eat my gum-gum fruit, and I will wait for you became a strong pirate in the gread line.And he gave Luffy his hat.
After 10 years, the sea has one more ship to join.And that's the pirate ship which just has only one people-Luffy! He already star he pirate life. And he will get his partners.The adventure begin!
[World Settings
One Piece in the world, the whole ocean was a north-south through the continent and the great waterway called the area is divided into East and West, North and South Ocean 4.
One person, he has all the world's wealth, reputation and rights, he is piracy Wang - Gelu D Roger.
Legend has it the One Piece was buried in the great waterway.
He said the sentence before dying, driven by people all over the world into the sea - "I want the wealth?» Can. I put everything on there, you go! "
Thus, began the era of pirates --
[Chasing the dream of juvenile]
I would like to become Haizei Wang!
This is our hero - the road to fly the Declaration. Road devil fruit fly has the ability, the body can be elongation, but not always learn to swim. He is a typical single-cell guy, simple, warm blood, Shaogen Jin, but it is really cute ~ ~ ~ and he has gradually gathered around a group from the same dream, a strength of the blood partners - Zhuoluo, NAMI , Sanji, Usopp, Robin, Fulan Qi and Brooke.
'Story' of the ideal way to become a pirate Wang Fei, Eating a collection of demon-Vieques fruit, and become a rubber, rubber fruits of the side effects of却使he will never be able to swim. But his vision has not changed - become Haizei Wang, and find the legendary Roger D Gelu more of Mibao - One Piece, this adventure started……
In an era of piracy is a glorious and happy career, although the Government does not support them, but the storms at sea and the beauty of the sea or to countless people, especially men's dream to attract into the full. In this era of one day, suddenly crazy pirate industry, originally a famous pirate in the provisional sentence before all of a sudden say his secret: He will not be able to measure his property in the possession of a small island, away The island's line, called the great routes - One Piece!
Road fly by the growth of small villages used to be a "red hair-Vieques," headed by the pirates of respite, but little has been road-they hope they can become the one, unfortunately, in a very accident Under the circumstances, he ate called "rubber-coated fruit," the fruit of the devil become a rubber (very cute, ah, general can be extended indefinitely ~~~). Fruit of the devil to give his peculiar ability, but to eat the fruit of the devil who is no longer be able to learn swimming……
"No, I can not as long as the trip to the sea Qujiu……" optimistic by nature (or simply naive innocence ») of the Road-has not abandoned his Haizei the road, he and Sagu Si Yue Hao, one day he He will be with the brothers become Haizei Wang.
The so-called comic book is comic, road-grow up Yaozhuo of the boat on the sea, so that he can really find the way a lot of friends going equipped skills: the goal to become the first Jianke Zhuoluo, has a very good intuitive navigational Chennai, the United States, first-class chef on the sea-governance, especially at the Yueda Hua Wu Suopu (This is also counting skills it……) course to get these partnerships is very difficult, way to fly all the way to untold hardships and other pirates were fighting He's strengths is that the only laugh of death and Yongbuyanbai the spirit!
Great Line ! This is an excellent despite the re-piracy can not expect their dangerous place, this is a No one can reach the place, this is a destruction of all human knowledge confidence and courage of the local road…… But they finally entered the fly, One Piece story will be fully carried out.


用英语帮我介绍海贼王最好可以一段就好 简单明了 还要中文翻译~请给中文翻译 谢谢 请把翻译放在每句的下面 我要海贼王人物介绍 急如题 求海贼王英文介绍.我们口语课让介绍一个自己喜欢的东西,我想介绍海贼王,麻烦给我来份英文稿.不用太长,大致介绍一下海贼王就可以了,先谢过了啊. 有人能帮我找两篇用英语介绍北京名胜古迹的文章么?300字左右就可以最好能带翻译. 用英文写一段简介用英语写一段关于刘翔和杨扬旳简介,短一点就好,介绍一下出生,获奖情况就可以了 急求英文景点介绍ppt,请帮我们弄一份用英语介绍世界旅游景点的PPT,例如日本,马尔代夫之类,有好的就行.哪里都可以~最好是世界的 海贼王人物介绍 谁行行好 帮我写一篇关于介绍鸟巢和水立方的英语作文每篇100多字 ,高1水准就可以了 语言通俗点哈最好有翻译哈 帮我写一段英语对话~随便什么对话都可以.我是初一的.最好稍微简单一点.别语无伦次就行!一点就行 用英语介绍我的房间最好汉语也写上随便写了 就像普通房间一样就好 紧急英语作业求路飞事迹 用英语写一段海贼王路飞 describe the deeds he has done and its personality traits.高中水平差不多了,最好写的好一点.帮个忙! 求助英语大神 帮帮我吧 我需要一段英语介绍一个韩国组合帮介绍Trouble maker 能给我多少就多少 谢谢了! 用英语来介绍一位明星.要出张手抄报没什么好写的希望有英语厉害点的朋友帮我用一段简短一点的英语介绍我喜欢的明星像郑元畅 或者蔡依林 请帮我用英语写一段关于台湾的地理位置的介绍大概 1-2句话就行了(要用到south east 等词) 帮我用英语介绍一下吉尼斯如题,5句以上,初一可以看懂的,最好有翻译,介绍一下吉尼斯 请帮我写一段英语对话,20句左右,关于去机场接客户,然后带回公司介绍产品的~介绍的产品是鞋子~本人英语很烂,最好用简单点的句式 谁能给我 用英语介绍日本的文章?最好是介绍日本的风景、樱花、美食的文章字只要能抄一面打印纸就可以了,不需要很多每样东西只要一小段就好(最好能有中文翻译一下,说实在的,英语我 海贼王英语怎么说?