
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 16:28:34


Why Should We Learn English?
We learn English for communications with foreigners,and moreover,for let the whole world know China better.Thus,we will understand each other better because what we think are so different.
Meanwhile,we learn English to have a broader world view.East and West have different cultures,so if we learn their language,we will also have a new way to look at the world,because language is the carrier of culture.

My name is luomengmeng , I"a boy

For children beginning to learn English, English is only in language, mathematics and other subjects in parallel with another door only, no one would ask, "Why should we learn English." Timetable on t...


For children beginning to learn English, English is only in language, mathematics and other subjects in parallel with another door only, no one would ask, "Why should we learn English." Timetable on the examination to test, this is already enough of a reason to learn English. However, when they mature in college, learn to think independently, after most of them discovered that they only studied a year around one purpose: to test.
"In the third year of this examination of the trend is especially evident. Third year when the material is not looked at how the sixth book simply do not speak, because the entrance would not test. The most impressive is to do problems. As for listening to high school, almost completely abandoned, because we do not test hearing at that time. "(Tsinghua University, Yan-Ming Ma)
"Completely followed by the classroom teacher school, the examination can not be sure that a good examination results, in particular, is reading. Now is more and more live college entrance examination. Entrance to read 5 am, which Shengci particularly high. High school High School I did not see a lot of extracurricular things, to the third year on the amount of obvious sense of the word is not enough, encounter a lot of Shengci. before I was doing basic of questions particularly good at, such as grammar, cloze the like, do read on Zhaojiabuzhu. Around third year not so much time to read extra-curricular magazine, I put the words before examination paper will not back down, third year back that year, more than a thousand words. third year to do a lot of time question. the school provides a number of questions, I also bought a lot. the school title simply is not enough to do. I'll do the words of those questions which do not have back down, when read in conjunction with the results of college entrance examination is not wrong. "(Beijing Normal University, ****)
Although some English is quite good of the students to learn English out of their own interest, but the reality that interest them gradually converted into a power struggle for the exam. 10 years later, when they recalled their own experiences learning English, it is already difficult to distinguish when it is out of interest, when out of the examination of the. The more students, in their memories, learning English just to test had to do.
"In fact, when I started learning English or with full enthusiasm. At the time a junior high school students in Hunan Province has opened up an English language magazine writing columns, I own of writing submissions, published in a magazine I was reading two days, turning her can be used on the word using the term. But the high school feel to the writing of the text to be particularly deficient, and no enthusiasm, can not write can not write about the examination only when there is no way, the teacher was asked to write to write. third year, when every day simulation title, but writing has never properly practiced. College Entrance Examination in English Composition is 20 minutes before I had 8 points! "(Peking University, Lin Xiao-ying)
So when these institutions of higher education students who graduated from college even after they still would not listen to is not to say that we should not be surprised, because our tests are not required! Junior high school to learn English in order to focus admitted to high school, high school English is admitted to universities, university to learn English is to some four to six examinations will even Chambre d, or GRE TOEFL exam to study overseas ... ... it seems the whole English language learning It can be classified as to a particular type of examination-oriented phase. We may jump out of this examination to cook up from net?
Environment, we need the environment!
For most respondents, the English language learning seems to be a beginning reading texts and words repeated back.
"I'm in junior high school in a suburb of Beijing, and then mainly rely on the teacher, and then after school to listen to tapes, listen to the pronunciation of the word, back word." Automotive Engineering Department of Tsinghua University second-year graduate students are probably the memories of Yan-Ming Ma That generation of students of their common situation. English from the outset, not being treated as a kind of daily study and life in the application of the tool, but there is no anger on the blackboard the teacher writing on the blackboard and tape with the real-life reading irrelevant.
In places where conditions are worse is that even these few students read aloud heard.
"I started this to the third year, has never been to speak entirely in English, English classes. Or even on the English classes in Mandarin, but with the Changsha dialect. Using dialect to speak English, inevitably Strip Changsha flavor, not ' Chinglish ', but' Changsha English '. teachers want to teach us reading the text, or when the word in English. The most frequent was back on the memory of English words, back text, dictation word. but also from the first form to the third year, I have no how listening to tape in English, he did not this awareness, but also tried to hear the results did not understand, and we do not understand, so it does not feel that this is how serious deficiencies. "(Department of Higher Institute of Education doctoral Lin Xiao-ying)
In the memory of most students, the school's English education seems to be left to them to do the impression. At that time they may not think there is flawed because no one ever told them to "listen" and "say" the importance of a time when both students and teachers, for the English language requirements also limited to paper on a bright red marks.
The younger generation, the situation is better. After all, they began to learn English era, has begun to attach importance to "heard" capacity, while the rapid development of guidance materials and equipment for a variety of English, but also to provide them with their Shige Shijie Men can not enjoy exercise. For 80 years for those who started learning English, listening to acoustic English, the film is very good, while this group of students in the late 90s, it was surrounded by Soundtrack English movies grew up in the ocean. However, the language environment is still lacking.
"Communication is not very smooth. Listen, only listen to the tape; said, that is, their own reading, said to myself, not really on-site opportunities for exchanges. I think the most important English language ability should be the on-site communication. Listen to tapes, listen to After all, someone else's dialogue is not very direct things. "(Beijing Normal University, ****)
And even heard of such training, and more are also still a student after school at their own initiative. The classroom or a teacher holding a textbook explaining the basic words and grammar.
Look forward to: As in English language
A more interesting phenomenon is that when a reporter asked about English proficiency of students were interviewed, almost all students are using some sort of English test to show their own level.
Examination "English is 138 points, and now Guo Siji were able to live, you may score a little lower ... ..."
"When high school had gone through four, and now too, what kind of examinations should not be any problem ... ..."
"If you go to test GRE, TOEFL or something, back back the word, should not be too difficult to do anything ... ..."
The real communication in English as a language has disappeared in the test scores were. Although the students were able to reflect on their learning of English exams to bring about the drawbacks, both the society and schools, are not available In addition to the standard measure of outside examination. So for the evaluation of English seemed only a fraction so far. As for the exchange as a function of the basic language, because there is no certain tests to examine, in the English language ability of students to self-assessment during which a naturally excluded.
Although all of the respondents are hoping that one day can use English freely, but change the status quo, it does not hold a very optimistic attitude. If you want English, "listening, speaking, reading and writing," the ability to do a comprehensive examine the ensuing question is: What kind of tests can fully examine the ability to communicate in English? If you want to through a direct dialogue between teachers and students to examine, in the implementation of such visits across the country do? Have such teachers do?
Heilongjiang weeks from the ultra-education students also raised issues related to equity deeper question: "English reform in this direction should certainly be changed, but such a reform might be more favorable to students in the city for rural students, if stressed heard reading and writing, perhaps I would create new inequities. because they do not have that kind of environment, has to achieve the same request. the city has extra-curricular counseling classes in rural areas simply do not have to rely on school teachers. "
Clearly, examination content and form of the problem is just tip of the iceberg, its changes will inevitably involve more and bigger problems.
Furthermore, from the perspective of the use of language in learning English there is clearly a problem is ignored, it is this: the beauty of language.
"For a long time, we are always learning English are doing right and wrong judgments: This is right, that does not. No one ever taught us how to use an aesthetic vision to learn, to enjoy English. No one tells us what kind of English is the United States The. So, although I have been learning English for 13 years now, and I still can not go to enjoy an English prose. "(Peking University Institute for Higher Education PhD Pulan Lan)
The problem is the late 90's English education still exist, and because examination of the impact of increasing frequency.
"For example, of writing, that is the beginning of the first paragraph will tell you to write 'first', the second paragraph to write 'second', third paragraph of the writing 'finally', so when the exam at least Deduoshaofen. Just like to write the same eight-legged essay . This is just to test, and I think even if a test carried out for this little machine so many exercises, they can not get high marks. "(Beijing Normal University, Liu Jia Ning)
As a communication tool, language, English, like with the Chinese, not only to say the correct sentences, but sentences should be used more beautiful, but in our English education, seems to have never felt the beauty of the English language concerns. "Do English and do math problems is not much different - sometimes there are two solutions of mathematical problems to do!" (Beijing Normal University, Liu Jia Ning) in the correct and smooth way to express their ideas have not been able to achieve the situation, made this kinds of demands seems a little taste of a good aim too high. However, if the language itself becomes a kind of either-or non-selection of language features and charm so?


谁帮我写篇英语作文,不要太长题目是我们为什么要学英语 帮我写一篇题目为《My family 》的英语作文,不要太长,简短些,最好是小学阶段的水平,随便写! 以我的家庭为题目写一篇英语作文100字左右,不要太长 以我的学校生活为题目,写一篇英语作文,不要太长,也不要太短! 帮我写一篇英语作文题目是我最喜欢的人梅西,句子简单点,也不用太长 帮我写一篇英语作文 How didi you spend your winter holiday 不要太长 以“身边的感动”为话题写的作文,各位大哥大姐帮我想个题目!不要 “身边的感动” 、“感动” 最好要新颖一点的.我是写母亲使我感动的.不是作文!题目不要太长 My favourtie teacher 作文麻烦大家帮我忙!英语作文题目为:My favourtie teacher80词就够..在今晚9点截止.答得好追加分太长了- - 最好是自己写的,不好复制, 英语作文 my spare time哪个高手帮我写篇英语作文..题目是my spare time 不要复制的 谁帮我写一篇英语作文,题目是《我的故乡》,写西安. 谢谢! 以 an experience of doing housework 为题目写一片英语作文文章不要太长 高中水平就行了 请帮我写篇英语作文,题目为“My dream lifestyle,200字. 谁可以帮我想5篇作文题目?帮我想5篇作文题目,400左右,我自己写.(不要抄袭)千万不要抄袭别人的, 谁可以帮我写一下英语作文:音乐会大神们帮帮忙不要太长,80多个单词或多一点也没关系 帮我写篇英语作文好吗?重赏!题目是when i feel depressed 英语翻译求大家帮我找一篇英语作文,不要中文式的.是初二的作文,单词不要太难,不要太长了,一般般就好. 帮我写一篇英语作文.友谊的重要性不要太长就可以. 在写一篇什么样的友谊是真正的友谊.几个单词就可以也不要太多的.谢谢哦 我要一篇作文,题目是《我的烦恼》我买的是工作笔记本,而这篇作文必须要写满一张,我的字小.不过不要太长也不要太短,最好分段.