
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 07:07:53


?1.The millionaire possesses great wealth.这位百万富翁拥有大量的财富.
?不能说:Great wealth is possessed by the millionaire.
?2.The newly-constructed reservoir holds a lot of water.新水库蓄水量很大.
?不能说:A lot of water is held by the newly-constructed reser-voir.
?3.The house comprises five rooms.这幢房子有五个房间.
?不能说:Five rooms are comprised by the house.
?4,John Smith always lacks confidence.约翰·史密斯总是缺乏自信心.
?不能说:Confidence is always lacked by John Smith.

?1.The blue skirt becomes Mary very well.这条蓝裙子玛丽穿上去很合适.
?不能说:Mary is become very well by the blue skirt.
?2.Will the date suit you?这个日子对你合适吗?
?不能说:Will you be suited by the date?
?3.We should fit our deeds to our words.我们应该言行一致.
?不能说:Our deeds should be fitted to our words by us.

?1.No one equals him in intelligence.他的智力是无与伦比的.
?不能说:He is equaled by no one in intelligence.
?2.Revolution means liberating productive force.革命就是解放生产力.
?不能说:Liberating productive force is meant by revolution.
?3.The two boys resemble each other in appearance.这两个男孩长得相似.
?不能说:Each other is resembled by the two boys in appearance.

?1.The boy said,“I didn't catch the last two words.”这个男孩说:“我没听清楚最后两个词.”
?不能说:The boy said,“The last two words weren't caught by me.”
?2.I don't take you at all.你说的我一点也不懂.
?不能说:You aren't taken by me at all.

?1.I have five good dictionaries.我有五本好词典.
?不能说:Five good dictionaries are had by me.
?2.I had three letters from Mr.Green.我收到过格林先生三封信.
?不能说:Three letters were had by me from Mr.Green.
?3.We shall have a good Spring Festival.我们将过一个愉快的春节.
?不能说:A good Spring Festival will be had by us.
?4.I usually have breakfast at half past six.我通常六点半吃早饭.
?不能说:Breakfast is usually had by me at half past six.

?This coat has lasted me five years.这件外衣我已穿了五年.
?不能说:I have been lasted five years by this coat.

?That project cost them too much in man-power,material and money.那项工程耗费了他们大量的人力、物力和财力.
?不能说:They were cost too much in manpower,material and money by the project.

?A succession of misfortunes befell the poor little girl.这个可怜的女孩遭受了种种不幸.
?不能说:The poor little girl was befallen by a succession of misfortunes.

哪种及物动词没有被动语态?我们老师说有五种, display是及物动词还是不及物动词?有没有被动语态? 及物动词与不及物动词 哪个有被动语态?......或者说 什么动词没有被动语态?.... 及物动词的被动语态是什么? He has been to Dalian 的被动语态是什么?什么情况下没有被动语态,是不是只有及物动词才有被动语态. 及物动词短语(如lead to等)都没有被动语态吗?语法书上说lead to没有被动语态,所以我想问一下,是所有的及物动词短语都没有被动语态,还是个别的几个没有 及物动词能用在被动语态中吗? 关于英语被动语态的题目study和work有被动语态么,没有是为什么,还有哪些动词没有被动语态,当study是及物动词时,有被动语态么 老师命令我们要认真完成作业.用command造句.被动语态,两种形式 关于初中英语被动语态问题被动语态的构成的:助动词be+过去分词(及物动词)I know the famous scientist named Paul.为什么没有be? 请英语达人,分析英语句子结构.老师讲过:prove 当及物动词 的意思的 证实。当不及物动词的时候 证明的意思。不及物动词后面不能直接跟宾语,没有被动语态?The rumour proved false.这个句子 英语被动语态基本构成是助动词be+及物动词的过去分词,这里一定要用及物动词吗,不能用不及物?不及物没有被动语态吗为什么没有啊? 有没有动词属于及物动词但不能用做被动语态的情况有的话请给几个例子 关于初中英语被动语态hang作为悬挂讲的时候可以用于被动语态吗?有人说不可以啊 可是它不光是不及物动词 同时也是及物动词啊!为什么不可以?而且我们老师讲什么表动作的时候的时候用被 关于 初中英语被动语态 hanghang作为悬挂讲的时候可以用于被动语态吗?有人说不可以啊 可是它不光是不及物动词 同时也是及物动词啊!为什么不可以?而且我们老师讲什么表动作的时候的时候 关于被动语态 及物动词和不及物动词听老师说 不及物动词是没有被动语态的 The sports meet__ because of the weather.A.puts off B.was putted off C.was put off D.has put off 为什么选C 这里的put是及物还是不及物 英语语法中及物动词与不及物动词的被动语态是不是不同? 英语语法中及物动词与不及物动词的被动语态是不是不同?