take give show send区别和用法

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take give show send区别和用法

take give show send区别和用法
take give show send区别和用法

take give show send区别和用法

  • give,带走,拿走,侧重物体移动时跟运送者在一起移动

    I'll take the bag away.


  • give,给,侧重物体所有权的转移

    I'll give you a pen.


  • show,展示,侧重让别人欣赏、了解物体,别人只是看看,不会带走,不会转移所有权

    I'll show you my new coat.


  • wath,看,最常用的看,及物动词

    She is watching TV.


  • send,送,发送,侧重通过第三方把物体或信息从一点移动到另一点

    I'll send the parcel to you soon.

take 是拿, 有带走的意思,可理解为从此地到另一地点。例:I will take this box to London.
give 是给的意思,指把自己持有的东西拿出来给别人。例: could you give me a pen, please?
show 是展览的意思,指把东西展示给别人看,并没有赠与他人的意思。例:could you show us this watch....


take 是拿, 有带走的意思,可理解为从此地到另一地点。例:I will take this box to London.
give 是给的意思,指把自己持有的东西拿出来给别人。例: could you give me a pen, please?
show 是展览的意思,指把东西展示给别人看,并没有赠与他人的意思。例:could you show us this watch.( 在商店看柜台里的东西)
send 是发送,发出, 指通过某种方式将一样东西递送给另一人。例:He will send a letter to his mother.


take give show send区别和用法 give,send,take,show用法的区别这四个单词后都可接双宾语,如何使用? get、buy、give、show、borrow、lend、bring、send、take、tell的用法? 谁能用show 、send 、take造句.就三句 过去式:work,paint,listen,do with,drop,give,show,send,take,boil,find,ask,lift,want,rain,snow,rise show give pass take的区别 give/show/bring/lend/send/pass/tell sth to sb 后面可以直接加双宾的动词(要句子)五个先写单词,后写句子,写得好的,(give/show/send/take我有了) 用过去分词造句用cut,find,give,grow,hurt,learn,lend,make,put,sell,send,show,steal,take,teach,tell,throw,wake,wear.write的过去分词造句,要用被动语态, 模仿例句改写以下句子.例句;Give me that vase.Give that vase to me.1.Send George that letter.2.Take her those flowers.3.Show me that picture.4.Give Mrs.Jones these books.5.Give the children these ice creams. give/show/bring/lend/send/pass/tell sth. to sb.造句翻译2个谢谢各位 帮我用take send show 各造2个句了马上要用 新概念英语1 第40课有个造句i'm going to give/show/send/take…………这样对不?(造句)(1)what are you going to do with that dress (1)i'm going to give it to my daughter.(2)i'm going to give dog to my father. 新概念英语1 第40课 语法有个造句练习i'm going to give/show/send/take…………下面图是小姑娘拿着件裙子(to my mother)可不可以这样造句i'm going to give it to my mother或i'm going to give dress to my mother 常见的take 、give、put、burn、set、show、carry、bring、take等 短语归纳 take ,send,give,三个动词怎样区分?怎么用?最好有例句 send,give,take,get区别和用法在做题的时候应该注意些什么? Li Ming,you should___more attention to your pronunciation.a.give b.send c.pay d.take