
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 13:00:13

66. Allan is leaving for Sydney for his holiday on (星期二).
67. Jane is a little (瘦)than Linda.
68. Bob always thinks of others more than (他自己).
69. She ; (借)the book to me yesterday.
70. Mr Li has (教)maths there for about twenty years.
but know together home send one make pleased
Laura has just got a new computer. She is very (71) with it, because she can use it to (72) emails(电子邮件) to her friends. This computer was (73) by her father at home. Her father is not a computer engineer(工程师), (74) he is a computer fan(迷). He (75) a lot about computers. He bought different parts of a computer (76) and then put them (77)
to make a computer. "The home made computers cost much less than the (78) which are sold in computer shops, said Laura s father.
79. Alice has seen the film twice. Sandy has seen it twice, too.
Alice Sandy have seen the film twice.
80. 1 think music is less interesting than P. E.
I think music is interesting than P. E.
81. Is there a flight from Yinchuan to Guilin this Saturday? Do you know?
Do you know a flight from Yinchuan to Guilin this Saturday?
A: Hello! May I speak to Miss Zhao?
B: Hold on for a moment, please. (A moment later) I' m sorry (82) . She left a few minutes ago. Could I take a message?
A: (83) . I want to speak to her about my son Yang Ming.
(84) . I'm afraid he isn't able to school today.
B: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope(85) .
A: Thank you! Could I leave my telephone number to you?
B: OK. Please give me your phone number.
A: 4106819. My name is Yang Zhiqiang.
B: All right. (86) as soon as she is back.
A: That'll be fine. Thank you very much. Goodbye! B: Goodbye!

六.pleased send made but knows home together one
七.1.and 2.don't more 3.there's
八.1.she is not here.
2.It's kind of you.3.He is ill.4.he will be well soon.5.I'll tell her

此乃英语试题,我没有答案,请各位好心人给我个准确答案,谢谢,谢谢额第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)五、单词拼写(共5小题,计分5分)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在句子空缺处写出各单词的正确形式.(每 高等教育出版社七年级数学!!!!!!!!!!!!!!答案!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!写的我头都大了!!好心人来给个答案吧~~ 有答案者请直接把答案发上来~没有答案者, 初一(上)地理期末复习题 答案请各位好心人进来看看吧! 在线等答案 第一题是:北极星:那张卷子 谢谢 请给把答案给我吧 整张哦~~谢谢 谢谢 谢谢! 好心人在哪,好心人在哪?求求各位好心人给我5Q币. 请各位好心人帮忙 请给一份初二英语试题! 烟笼寒水月笼沙, 夜泊秦淮近酒家. 商女不知亡国恨, 隔江犹唱后庭花. 这首诗的题目是什么?急求答案还要一个民族英雄的故事各位好心人请快点回答因为我没有财富值了,给不了大家,请见谅. 有没有第十一届小学希望杯全国数学邀请赛四年级的练习题,附带答案,急啊!急啊!急啊!求各位好心人,大哥大姐们给我啊! 麻烦各位好心人帮帮我,请画纸上 各位请给我个正确的答案! 谁有浙教版九年级寒假作业中的数学与科学的答案?拜托好心人帮帮忙...我只求数学与科学的答案.请各位好心人一定要帮帮我.只要数学答案!!!不要科学的答案。。。。。。。。。。 不会 求答案求求各位好心人 哪位好心人可以给个猪猪蛋啊拜托各位好心人送我一只猪猪吧!性别不限! 有没有好心人给我打1100块钱,我急用. 寒假生活指导答案(六年级上册)各位好心人,有没有答案,帮帮忙 英语试题和答案能给我一份么,邮箱simplykey@163.com 语文课堂作业本《风雨》急啊!好心人帮帮忙!急啊,哪个好心人把答案给我 我现在没有工作怎么吗办法请好心人