choose to do sth.和choose sth.for

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 01:00:19
choose to do sth.和choose sth.for

choose to do sth.和choose sth.for
choose to do sth.和choose sth.for

choose to do sth.和choose sth.for
chosse to do sth选择做某事
choose sth for sb为某人选择某物

选择做某事 I choose to be a teacher.
为某人选某东西 I choose a book for my son. 我为儿子选了本书
【俊狼猎英】 团队为您解答,欢迎追问!



choose to do sth 是决定要做某事 如:He chose not to reply. 他决定不回答。
We chose to go by train. 我们决定做火车去。
choose sth for sb 是为某人挑选某物 如:He chose a tie for his father yesterday. 他昨天给他爸挑了条领带。
We have chos...


choose to do sth 是决定要做某事 如:He chose not to reply. 他决定不回答。
We chose to go by train. 我们决定做火车去。
choose sth for sb 是为某人挑选某物 如:He chose a tie for his father yesterday. 他昨天给他爸挑了条领带。
We have chosen this site for the new school. 我们已经选了这块地作新校址。
choose A as/for B 选择A作为B 如:He chose banking as his career. 他选中银行业作为他的职业。
We chose Paul as/for chairman. 我们选了保罗当主席。
choose between A and/or B 在A和B之间做选择
choose A from B 从B中选出A
