children get in the way during the holidays

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 19:19:27
children get in the way during the holidays

children get in the way during the holidays
children get in the way during the holidays

children get in the way during the holidays
在美加,一个有多子女的家庭夫妇两人因工作和家务无法好好一起休息和沟通感情.哪怕是周末两天,购物、带孩子参加学校课外活动和社区活动、上教堂等也让夫妇两人疲于奔命.假期是夫妇俩期待的共度时光机会.通常,夫妇俩会雇一个临时照看孩子的驻家护理,自己外出几天休息,而不让 children get in the way during the holidays(不让孩子们妨碍夫妻之间的休息和感情沟通).


假期小鬼当道 表示小孩子很多