regardless of 后能跟句子吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 10:47:25
regardless of 后能跟句子吗?

regardless of 后能跟句子吗?
regardless of 后能跟句子吗?

regardless of 后能跟句子吗?
So you know throw those two together and I'll come running to check this out regardless of whether she cares or not.
Categorical moral reasoning locates morality in certain absolute moral requirements,certain categorical duties and rights,regardless of the consequences.
耶鲁公开课 - 公正课程节选
Look,let me clarify something for you.
Regardless of who you're currently sleeping with,You and I come from different worlds.


regardless of 不顾,不惜
如:Regardless of danger,he climbed the tower.他不顾危险爬上了高塔。
He is never regardless of consequences. 他从不顾及后果。

regardless of 后能跟句子吗? regardless of后面可以跟that从句吗? 1.regardless of 可以放句首吗?2.despite ,in spite of ,regardless of 三者都是跟非句子 因为我查字典 它们都是介词? Despite和regardless of有区别吗? regardless of whether在句子中可以做什么成分?是整体作连词,构成并列句吗?还是regardless+介词of+whether宾语从句,整体做句子的状语? 请问,这个句子有语病吗?Everyone has the right to live where he wants to regardless of. in spite of后能跟动名词吗? desire 后能跟of吗?and why? 有错误吗Regardless rains and winds Regardless of wind and rain 1,I saw some trees whose leaves were black with diease.能变成I saw leaves of some trees were black with disease.2,in place of 和regardless of 除了可以做句子的状语外,分别还能充当句子的其他成分吗? 英语句子:regardless of whether he is right or wrong, we have to abide by his decisions.在这个句子中,regardless of是连词还是介词? regardless 翻译句子:Every man has the right to live where he wants to,regardless of the colour of his skin. 介词后面跟什么.能跟句子吗? regardless of out put 这里regardless 是形容词 of是介词 out put是宾语 这个形容词+介词短语的结构单独出现了在句子中 前后,隔开,请问这是一个什么结构?做句子的什么成分? A glass of milk and an egg a day will help make us strong.这个句子是教科书上的原句.help 后怎么能跟 make the same 后能跟形容词吗 名词后能跟介词吗?