
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 23:31:47


Build your own house!
An elderly carpenter was ready to retire after years of work.He told his employer-contractor of his plans to leave the house-building business to live a more leisuerly life with his wife and enjoy his extended family.He would miss the paycheck each week,but he wanted to retire.Within the money the carpenter had put aside during the years he worked for the employer-contractor,they could get by.
The contractor was very sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could possibly build just one more house as a personal favor of him.The carpenter said yes,but over time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work at all.He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials.You see,it was an unfortunate way to end a dedicated career.
When the carpenter finished his work ,his emlpoyer came to inspect the house.Then he handed the front-door key to the carpenter and said,"This is your house...my gift to you."
The carpenter was shocked!
What a shame!If he had only know he was building his own house ,he would have done it all so differently.
So it is with us.We build our lives,a day at a time,ofen putting less than our best into the building.Then ,with a shock,we realize we have to live in house we have built.If we could do it all over again ,we would do it much differently.
But you cannot go back.You are the carpenter,and everyday you hammer a nail,place a board,or erect a wall.Someone once said,"Life is a do-it-yourself project." Yourattitude and the choices you make today helps to build the "house" you will live in tomorrow .Therefore,build wisely!

寻一篇英语短文大意是:有个老木匠要退休了,老板请他做最后一栋房子,他没心思做,就做了很粗糙.建成后,老板却把房子送给了他,他非常懊悔.要英文原文,最好有翻译. 老板请木匠帮忙再建一座房子的原因是什么?老木匠给自己建造的房子之所以是一幢粗制滥造的房子原因是什么短文 ①有个老木匠准备退休,他告诉老板,说要离开建筑行业,回家与妻子儿女享 《木匠的最后一个房子》 阅读题 速度赶今天10点木匠因为什么准备退休.雇主请他什么,木匠答应了,可不仅什么,而且什么.完工后,雇主把什么送给了木匠,木匠感到什么.(根据短文填空) 写出 一篇英语小短文,看不懂求大意接上 求一个故事名称内容:有一名木匠以建造的房屋坚固,所以很有名气.而一个木匠和他的老板是好朋友,木匠将要退休了,木匠觉得老板没有给较多的钱来报答木匠多年的辛勤工作.老板希望木匠 分段 分两段 短文自己建造的房子 ①有个老木匠准备退休,他告诉老板,说要离开建筑行业,回家与妻子儿女享受天伦之乐.②老板舍不得他的好工人走,问他是否能帮忙再建一座房子,老木匠说可 十篇英语阅读短文和英语大意、我要英语大意、不是题目 一些老年人退休后还经常到图书馆读书.请根据内容用英语写一篇短文. 查一篇英语短文讲一个小女孩的12岁生日聚会,她的一个朋友给了他一个水晶手镯,而且立刻要她戴上,戴上之后还露出了邪恶的笑 大意是这么回事 希望有全文,不要节选 开头是it was my12th birthday 我该怎样给要退休的英语留言是英语老师 房子为谁而盖 有一位木匠,手艺很好,经他手盖的房子,每一栋都很精美,得到所有房主的好评,但木匠年事已高,到了退休的年龄.他告诉雇主,自己要退休了.雇主看到他的好工人要走感到非常可惜 退休 英语 英语翻译短文可以是一篇阅读,但不要太短了.而且要注明从哪儿来的英语短文,下面还要写短文的意思. 求助:帮找一篇英语短文,开头是I took my children to a small beach along Lake Winggra.大意是妈妈...求助:帮找一篇英语短文,开头是I took my children to a small beach along Lake Winggra.大意是妈妈带孩子去玩,警 英语短文五篇、概括英文大意 英语、英文,短文求简述、大意 他们已经退休了用英语怎么说 我准备退休了 用英语怎么说,