intern 和 internship的区别实习生到底该用哪个单词更准确?请说明两个单词的区别,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 00:45:06
intern 和 internship的区别实习生到底该用哪个单词更准确?请说明两个单词的区别,

intern 和 internship的区别实习生到底该用哪个单词更准确?请说明两个单词的区别,
intern 和 internship的区别

intern 和 internship的区别实习生到底该用哪个单词更准确?请说明两个单词的区别,
intern 更准确
friend friendship
朋友 友谊

internship 专指实习医师,intern 既指实习医师也指实习教师,我想你应该清楚用哪个了吧

intern 和 internship的区别实习生到底该用哪个单词更准确?请说明两个单词的区别, internship和work placement的区别 fellow intern和associate intern是什么意思 intern apprenticeship 和internship 什么区别? 英语翻译Q1:What will you do as an intern?Q2:How are you going to perform well during your internship?Q3:What can you learn/gain from your internship?我的错,是写出这三句话的回答,不是翻译,哎哎,辛苦,我的错我的 Please help me translate into good Chinese.Throughout the internship experience ,interns will meet with mentors,complete journals,and be evaluated by their employers .At the conclusion of the senior internship program,each intern will make an oral pr intern和trainee的区别公司招聘中总是有intern和trainee,我觉得从字面上看都差不多……请高人解答这有什么不一样的?最好具体点儿,谢谢啦~~~ intern 和 trainee 表示实习生有什么区别呢? 在美国,clinical clerkship和internship有什么不同 New Intern Compliance Intern 实习证明的英文翻译是什么,要最正式的那种英文翻译,书面的.Internship certification? Internship Qulification? Internship是什么意思 internship是什么意思 Internship Agreement internship是什么意思 问一个托福作文题目的意思~a university education should include an internship or some type of work experience.是指的大学是否应该干这些事,还是指的是在internship 和 some type of work experience.选一个?如果说是两