九年级英语unit9 重点词组和句子

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九年级英语unit9 重点词组和句子

九年级英语unit9 重点词组和句子
九年级英语unit9 重点词组和句子

九年级英语unit9 重点词组和句子
1. invent v. 发明 inventor n. 发明家 invention n. 发明 可数名词
2. be used for doing用来做…(是被动语态) 如:Pens are used for writing. 笔是用来写的.
Pens aren’t used for eating. 笔不是用来吃的.
3. 给某人某样东西
give sth. to sb. 如:I gave a pen to him. 我给他一支笔.
give sb. sth. I gave him a pen. 我给他一支笔.
4. all day 整天
5. salty adj. 咸的 salt n. 盐
6. by mistake 错误地 如: I took the umbrella by mistake. 我不小心拿错了雨伞.
7. make sb./sth. +形容词 使…怎么样 It made me happy. 它使我高兴
make sb./sth. +名词 让…做… It made me laugh. 它让我发笑
8. by accident 意外 偶然 I met her by accident at bus stop. 我在公共汽车站意外地见到了她.
9. not…until… 直到…才做… 如:
I didn’t go to bed until I finished my work. 我直到完成我的工作才去睡觉.
10. according to +名词 根据… 如: according to this article根据这篇文章
11. over an open fire 野饮
12. leaf n. 叶子 复数形式 leaves
13. nearby adj. 附近的 如: the nearby river
14. fall into 落入 掉进 如:The leaf fell into the river. 叶子落入了河里.fall down 摔倒 如:She fell down from her bike. 她从她自行车摔倒了.
15. quite 非常 adv. 与冠词a连用时,冠词a必须放在它的后面
如:quite a beautiful girl 一个漂亮的女孩
very 非常 adv. 与冠词a连用时,冠词a必须放在它的前面
如:a very beautiful girl 一个漂亮女孩
注:当不与冠词a 连用时,两者可以互用 如:
I am very happy.== I am quite happy. 我非常高兴.
16. in the way 这样
17. pleased adj. 表示外部因素引起人发自内心的欣慰和愉快
pleasant adj. 愉快 高兴 指天气、时间、旅行令人高兴愉快
please v. 使高兴 使同意
18. battery—operated adj. 电池控制的是名词+动词的运动分词构成的合成形容词
19. in the sixth century 在第6世纪
20. travel around 周游
21. more than == over 超过 如: more than 300 == over 300 超过300
22. including prep. 介词 包括 可以与名词和动名词连用
如: Six people, including a baby, were hurt. 6个人包括一个小孩受伤了.
23. have been played 被上演,是现在完成时的被动语态
现在完成时的被动语态的结构:have /has been +过去分词
24. be born 出生 He was born in Canada. 他在加拿大出生
25. safety n. 安全 safe adj. 安全的
26. knock into 撞上(某人)
27. divide sth. into … 将…划分成..通常指将一个整体分成几个对应相对的部分 如:
Let’s divide ourselves into 4groups. 让我们把我们自己划成4组.
28. since then 自从那以后 常与完成时 态连用 如:
Since then, I have left Beijing. 自从那以后,我已经离开了北京.
1.be used for doing sth = be used to do sth.被用来做……
2.be used in 被用于…场合
3.be used by sb. 被某人使用
4.be used as 被用作…
5.be used to doing 习惯于做
6.used to do 过去常常做
7.be invented by 由 (某人)发明
8.be invented in 发明于
9.be enjoyed by…\x09 受到……的喜爱
10.modern /helpful inventions 现代化的(有用的)发明
11.do wrong 做错,作恶,犯罪
12.shoot at 射击
13.divide… into… 把…分成,分为
14.sprinkle…on… 撒…在…上面
15.in the end 最终;最后
16.salty enough 足够咸
17.be made in + 地点 在某地制造
18.be made by sb. 由某人制造
19.be made of 由做成(成品中看出原材料)be made from由做成(成品中看不出原材料)
20.be made up of 由…组成
21.by accident t偶然;意外
22.not…until… = not before = 肯定句+ after 直到=才……
23.knock at / on 敲打(门,窗)
24.fall down 倒下,摔倒 fall off 从(自行车.卡车.摩托车等)上面掉下来
25.fall into the water 落入水中
26.make sb./sth. +形容词 使…怎么样
27.make sb./sth. + do 让…做…
28.It made me laugh. 它让我发笑
29.in the sixth century 在第6世纪
30.taste sweet 尝起来甜 writing tests写作测验
31.produce a pleasant smell 产生一种宜人的味道
32.move towards…朝…移动
33.more than == over 超过
34.since then 自从那以后 常与完成时 态连用
35.in the dark 在黑暗中
36.some time 一段时间 some times 几次/倍
37.at college 在大学 throw…to…把…扔向…
38.the number of“…的总数,数量” a number of + pl. 许多…
39.be on fire 着火了
40.a developed country发达国家 a developing country 发展中国家
41.It is believed 人们相信/认为
42.It is said that人们说,据说
43.It is reported that 据报道
1. Who was the telephone invented by? It was invented by Bell.
电话是谁发明的? 电话是贝尔发明的.
2. When were electric slippers invented? They were invented last year.
电拖鞋是什么时候被发明的? 它们是去年被发明的.
3. What are they used for?
4. They are used for seeing in the dark.
5. Tea wasn’t brought to the Western world until 1610.
6. I prefer lemons to oranges. I like the sour taste.