
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 17:57:33


I hate Mondays.
Pooky,cover me ,I'm going in.
oh,sleeping beauty ,wake up.
You can stop dreaming about me because i'm here.
You 're not just my owner ,you're my primary caregiver.(饲养员)
Cut the sweet stuff,Easy now,just
Try to cuddle with me (抱).
Trying to avoid you duties ,huh?
Just one quick cannonball.轰天炮来了
Okay!I think you're clean enough now.
Got your towel ringt here
well actually,it's liver flavored.(猪肝味)
Now I think I'll just full off the "cackin's diet"猫食
out there ,it's a hornet's nest of trouble.那里是麻烦集中的地方
Bad thingshappen out there ,so Idon'tgo out there.
Besides,I've found if you wait long enough everything comes to you!
Here are the milkman!
Who need milk when you can be in outer space?
You get a secret mission today!
The nation thanks you prepare to blast off!(准备发射)
Bon voyage!(一路顺风)
You're on the wrong side of the street ,fat cat beat it1
And you,Luca,the wrong side of the evolutionary curve!(你是生物进化失败的结果)
___You're gonna get it good today.(今天你要吃不了兜着走了)
___I make a point to get it good everyday.(我每天都是吃不了兜着走的)
The real question ,Luca,is how shall I outwit(戏弄) you this time.
I love the smell of cinnamon -apple in the morning.
It's smells like victory.
so much time,and so little i need to do.
---Have you tasted yourself lately?(你最近没有尝过你自己)
---Hey ,it'wasn't exatly the first-class lounge in there for me either.
Get yourself lost,Take apowder for a couple days.
get a haircut and grow abeard.
Finally,back on my regular schedull
Heym buddy-Yeahm cut the small talk
What'sin the bag?
I may just nibble
---What am I gonna do with you
---Love me,Feed me,Nerer leave me.
Just a happy lazy cat!
I wanna talk to you in private (私聊)
Are you sure that we're talking about the same thing?
I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life.
I think I just have a mental advantage on this guy.
NO,Odie'san imbecile until further notice.
Another day ruined(又是糟糕的一天)
oh you little suck-up(小马屁精)