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Our country is in Han Dynasty, there are households whose surname is Tian of one, has given birth to three sons, five people of one family live a happy life. In the courtyard of their home, there are ...


Our country is in Han Dynasty, there are households whose surname is Tian of one, has given birth to three sons, five people of one family live a happy life. In the courtyard of their home, there are Chinese redbud trees of a very big one. Every summer, having had supper, the adult calls out children and moves the chair to the Chinese redbud tree, everybody sits around and enjoys the coal and has a rest together. Nearby neighbour is it chat to come over often too, everybody chatting and laughing , work come down so tired as to dispel soon one day.
The children like being tricky and evasive under the Chinese redbud tree, or sing. Elder son of the Tian 's Tian Zhen's head is very clever, remember a lot of children's songs, often teach other children how to sing: ' count while being uncountable, count and can not count either, how many birds is the sky. It is uncountable too to count, how many worms ground is had. It is uncountable too to count, how many stars is the sky. It count either number, have how much to draft. The star is not clear in many months in the sky, people are suspicious and indignant on the ground. '
Once really just learnt a children's song in the field , very glad younger brothers that will teach him: ' I studied a very special one today, you listened to me singing: "Study it is scorching to just sleep in summer , have cold winter of mosquito in autumn spring, tidy up the schoolbag and celebrate the New Year well. "' the adult nearby has listened to, the very surprised one asks him: ' what is this which you sing? "This is a lazy song. ' say, he naughty to begin to laugh, everybody amusing he have too. Right away so, live very happily in whole family of house Tian day, the Chinese redbud tree is like them too, live a happy life.
The past of one year of year of time one, parents are old, three brothers have grown up too, has all married the wife, has given birth to the child, unfortunately three brothers begin to have and quarrel. ' third! The grass in the field is long, you get rid of! "Is the grass long? Will not you yourself get rid of? Will only order me ! "You are really lazy enough! I am just busy with back the field ! "This, then you can let the field really go , he is the eldest, the strength is older than I, you ask him to go! ' really hear aside , very angry in the old land for growing field crops. ' you are really! I so many child, own to enough for me to be getting disturbing, you make me have a rest? "Moaning, there are many children, the money is spent much, you should do more work even more. "You have gone too far! '
Parents know they quarrel, very sad and sad too, often afraid the Tian 's will break up . ' old fogey ! I want to have a thing you should care about it. "What's the matter? Look at you muttering and mumblingly, it is their brother that has quarrelled again! "It is exactly this, yesterday, three brothers of theirs quarrelled into one pile again. "it get along well they brother, unless it is two day one day, it as the saying goes:" If the family lives in harmony, all affairs will prosper ", it is not a method to go down like this , must look for trying to persuade them hard of a chance . "Yes! I am anxious, in case we died that day, this family was afraid most likely ! '
Though parents advise them to live in harmony repeatedly, the brothers are still noisy endlessly, later, married couple were old after all in the field , would pass away in a few years, their brother decides to break up the family. Break up the family, how to divide? They divide the money and things of the family into three , one for each of three brothers equally, but the Chinese redbud tree in the courtyard, how to divide? They think it over, decide to take the saw and saw the tree into three sections the next day. The next day, when they went out of the door, gave a start, in fact the big jade green tree of branch and leaf, withered overnight unexpectedly, the full courtyard was all fallen leaves.
It is very difficult to pass to really see in the old land for growing field crops , say to two younger brothers: ' one tree hard, is it take saw three to it is said, so sad as to wither unexpectedly. A family of ours, can divide into three families? "Brother, don't say again , I know I am wrong ! "Yes, eldest brother, we mustn't break up the family ! ' say too strange, how long, Chinese redbud tree longer new bud also, come back to life. Tall and big and beautiful Chinese redbud tree, the ones that accompanied this family and loved each other dearly lived
传说南朝时,田真与弟弟田庆、田广三人分家,别的财产都已分妥,剩下堂前的一株紫荆树不知如何是好。夜晚,兄弟三人商量将荆树砍为三段,每人分一段。第二天,田真去砍树时,发现树已经枯死,看上去就像是被火烧过一样,十分震惊,就对两个弟弟说:“这树本是一条根,听说要把它砍成三段就枯死了,我们却不如树木,反而要分家。” 兄弟三人都非常悲伤,决定不再分树,荆树立刻复活了。他们大受感动,把已分开的财产又合起来,从此不提分家的事。 后以“紫荆”作为赞美兄弟的典故.






传说南朝时,田真与弟弟田庆、田广三人分家,别的财产都已分妥,剩下堂前的一株紫荆树不好处理。夜晚,兄弟三人商量将荆树截为三段,每人分一段。第二天,田真去截树时,发现树已经枯死,好像是被火烧过一样,十分震惊,就对两个弟弟说:“这树本是一条根,听说要把它截成三段就枯死了,人却不如树木,反而要分家。” 兄弟三人都非常悲伤,决定不再分树,荆树立刻复活了。他们大受感动,把已分开的财产又合起来,从此不提分家的事...


传说南朝时,田真与弟弟田庆、田广三人分家,别的财产都已分妥,剩下堂前的一株紫荆树不好处理。夜晚,兄弟三人商量将荆树截为三段,每人分一段。第二天,田真去截树时,发现树已经枯死,好像是被火烧过一样,十分震惊,就对两个弟弟说:“这树本是一条根,听说要把它截成三段就枯死了,人却不如树木,反而要分家。” 兄弟三人都非常悲伤,决定不再分树,荆树立刻复活了。他们大受感动,把已分开的财产又合起来,从此不提分家的事。 后以“紫荆”作为称美兄弟的典故.




