
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 19:22:07


第Ⅰ卷 听力部分(20分)
( )1.A. and B. end C. hand D. head
( )2. A. pass B. passed C. past D. park
( )3. A. thanks B. sense C. things D. sings
( )4. A. police B. please C. people D. P.E.
( )5. A. help B. happy C. have D. happen
( ) 6. A. Language B. Music C. Tennis
( ) 7. A. In 1970 B. In sydney C. Not here
( ) 8. A. Yesterday B. Often C. Half an hour
( ) 9. A. For five minutes B. Five minutes ago C. Because it’s hot
( ) 10. A. A violinist B. No, he isn’t C. He is an athlete
题号 项目 答案
11 Name
12 Be born
13 Country
14 Job
15 Favourite colour
( ) 16. A. A writer B. A scientist C. A singer
( ) 17. A. 50 B. 60 C. More than 50
( ) 18. A. singing B. writing C. drawing
( ) 19. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t C. It’s yellow
( ) 20. A In Tokyo B. In Sydney C. In New Tork
1. These two coats are very nice. They don’t know which one to c ______.
2. “P ________” is another way of saying “wallet” .
3. He is p_________ milk for you.
4. The old singer is singing at the w __________.
5. Take this p _________, and you can go to America.
1. The girl who catches the flowers will be next to get ________ (marry).
2. Li Lei writes ________ (care) than Jim.
3. This way, please. The ________ (lady) room is here.
4. Look! The cat is washing _________. (it)
5. Stop talking and keep ________.(quiet)
( )1. This maths problem is too difficult. ______ students in our class can work it out.
A. A little B. Little C. Few D. A few
( )2. ________ kind girl she is!
A. What B. How C. How a D. What a
( )3. You’d better ________ again.
A. not to be late B. not be late
C. to not be late D. be not late
( )4. Her mother is ill ________ hospital.
A. in B. at C. at the D. in the
( )5. – Can you ________ it in English?
-- Yes, but I can’t ______ the story in English.
A. speak, say B. say, tell C. speak, tell D. talk, say
( )6. Would you please ______ to my house this evening?
A. to come B. coming C. come D. came
( )7. When did they __________ ?
A. reach B. get to C. arrive in D. arrive
( )8. I _____ my things in that restaurant.
A. leave B. forget C. left D. forgot
( )9. “It’s me.” Tom answered _______ a tired voice.
A. in B. on C. with D. at
( )10. Look! Someone together with two boys _______ .
A. is swimming B. are swimming C. swim D. swam
( )11. Nobody knew more about him than that, ________ ?
A. did it B. didn’t they C. did they D. didn’t it.
( )12. He runs fastest in his class. ______runs faster than he in his class.
A. Everyone B. Nobody C. someone D. Anyone
( )13. I have ______ friends. They often come to see me.
A. a quite few B. a few quite C. quite a few D. quite few
( )14. A woman saw it _____ when she was walking______.
A. happening, past B. happen, passed
C. happen, past D. to happen, passed
( )15. – Would you like to have some tea or coffee?
-- ________. Thank you . I’ve just had enough tea.
A. Either B. Neither C. Some D. Both
1. The man lay on the road.(改为一般疑问句)
________ the man ______ on the road?
2. There is something new in today’s newspaper.(改为否定句)
There _______ _______ new in today’s newspaper.
3. The woman often feels tired because she is fat.(划线提问)
_________ ________ the woman ______ _____ tired?
4. The man on watch is shouting loudly.(划线提问)
________ _________ is shouting loudly?
1.It took him two days to finish the work.
He _______ two days _______ the work.
2. My father told me not to swim in the river alone.
My father _______ me from ________ in the river alone.
3. His father is sick. His mother is sick, too.
His _______ are ________ sick.
4. This problem was so difficult that they couldn’t solve them.
This problem was ________ difficult ______ ______ ______ solve.
1. I hear him _____(sing) in the next room now.
2. The man _________ (draw) a picture at ten last night.
3. The news made me __________ (feel) very sad.
4. Must I clean the dining room at once?
No, you _____ (must).
5. We ______ (hold) a sports meeting next week.
6. Tell me how _______(get) there.
7. You are tired. Why not stop ________ (have) a rest?
8. I’d like you ______(come)to supper.
9. There is going to _________ (be) a football match this afternoon.
10. Who ________?(know) Please hands up!
Many people like to 1 TV. It’s one of 2 important activities (重要的活动)of the day. TV brings the outside world closer to 3 homes. Some people say the world is smaller than before because 4 TV.
What’s going on (发生) in other countries? How do people live in far away places? Is there a good sports game somewhere? What 5 the life in the deepest part of the sea?
If you want 6 these and other kinds 7 questions, just turn 8 the TV and watch it. Of course people can 9 learn through reading or listening to the radio. But TV can help them learn 10 and more easily, why? Because they can hear and watch too. TV can give us new ideas. It’s a wonderful (美妙的) thing.
( )1. A. see B. watch C. look at D. look
( )2. A. more B. better C. the most D. most
( )3. A. people’s B. peoples’ C. person’s D. persons
( )4. A. as B. at C. in D. of
( )5. A. is B. are C. about D. be
( )6. A. know B. knowing C. knows D. to know
( )7. A. of B. on C. about D. in
( )8. A. around B. back C. on D. off
( )9. A. too B. also C. either D. neither
( )10. A. best B. most C. the better D. better
Two tramps(流浪汉)were sleeping under a tree by a busy main road when a large expensive car drove up and a man stepped out, walking up to the two tramps and waking them up.
"Just look at what you are doing there!"the man began to say. "If you get up and look for a job, then you can live a better life. You might even become rich like me. By the time I was 40, I had become a leader (领导) of the company and now I am 60 and I am rich and can retire (退休)."
One of the tramps looked at him over and answered, “And if we had done all those things, we could also retire and sit under a tree and watch rich men driving by in expensive cars."
1. The two tramps were waken up by ______.
A. a tree B. a man C. a busy road D. a car
2. How did the man feel about the tramps?
A. He took pity (可怜;同情) on them. B. He was proud of them.
C. He felt happy for them. D. He showed his love to them.
3. The man wanted the tramps to ______.
A. make a better life B. become a leader
C. have dinner with him D. retire at 60
4. The two tramps ______.
A. liked to go begging (乞讨) B. were very sad for their life
C. enjoyed their life D. admired (羡慕) the rich man
5. We can infer (推断) that ______.
A. the two tramps would try their best to find a job and live a better life
B. the man would give the two tramps a lot of money to spend
C. the man would do as the tramps did
D. the two tramps would do as they used to
Jimmy is a very kind young man. He works in a big supermarket. His workmates like him very much.
Last month Jimmy caught a bad cold, he stayed in bed for about two weeks. But after he got well. Something happened—he couldn’t stop winking(眨眼) . When he stayed at home, he was all right as usual. But if he went out, he couldn’t stop his eyes from winking.
Jimmy went to work the next morning. On the way he met a policeman and winked at him. The policeman felt surprised but said nothing. Then he met an old man and winked at him. The old man thought he must be mad. But still he didn’t say a word.
Real trouble started when he met women. First he met a young lady. He winked at her. The woman’s face turned red, and ran away as fast as she could. And then he met an old woman who carried a walking stick. Jimmy winked at her, she looked closely at him. Jimmy winked again. Without saying a word, she hit Jimmy on the head with her walking-stick.
“Take that!” she cried out “This is a lesson(教训) for you.”
Poor Jimmy! How could he explain it ? He ran away quickly.
From then on, he always wears a pair of dark glasses when he goes out.
( )1. What had happened to Jimmy after he caught a bad cold?________.
A. He had to stay in hospital for a long time.
B. He couldn’t stop closing his eyes.
C. His legs hurt a lot.
D. There was something wrong with his eyes.
( )2. When he stayed at home, ___________.
A. He couldn’t control (控制) his eyes of winking.
B. He was all right. C. He winked at others.
D. He wore a pair of dark glasses.
( )3. Who felt surprised when Jimmy winked? __________.
A. The policeman. B. The old man.
C. The young lady. D. The old woman.
( )4. Jimmy winked at the young lady because ________ .
A. he wanted to talk with her. B. he loved her very much.
C. she winked at him first.
D. he couldn’t stop his eyes from winking.
( )5. Why did the old woman hit Jimmy?_________.
A. Because she was the young lady’s grandma.
B. Because she hated Jimmy.
C. Because Jimmy winked at her.
D. Because Jimmy laughed at her.
第Ⅰ卷 听力部分原文:
一) 1. The winners receive the cup at the end of the match.
2. She could not dance well in the past.
3. He has a good sense of humour.
4. I told the police about the robbers.
5.They don’t know what will happen to them.
二).6. What was her favourite sport at school?
7. Where was he born?
8. How long did he hiccup?
9. When did he start sneezing?
10. Is Tony a pianist or a biolinist?
三). I’m Toby Wood. I was a footballer. I was born in 1949. I lived in Australia and played football for thirty two years. I lived near the sea. I liked dogs. My favourite color was black. I never went out of Australia.
Susan King was a singer. She was born in 1945 in the USA. She lived in New York for most of her life. She always loved singing. She had one child, a daughter. She’s a singer, too. Her favourite color was yellow and her favourite fruit was pear. She had about two pears a day for most of her life. She loved dogs and usually had two.
16. What did Susan do? (C)
17. How old is she? (C)
18. What did she like doing? (A)
19. Is white her favourite? (B)
20. Where did she live for most of her life? (C)
第Ⅰ卷 听力部分
二)CBCBA三). 11. Toby Wood 12. 1949 13. Australia 14. a footballer 15. black
一、A.1. choose 2.purse 3.pouring 4.wedding 5.passport
B.1. married 2. more carefully 3. ladies’ 4. itself 5. quiet
三、A. 1. Did lie 2. isn’t anything
3. Why does often feel
4. Which man
B. 1. spent finishing/on 2. stopped swimming
3. parents both 4. too for them to
四、1. singing 2. was drawing
3. feel 4. needn’t.
5. will hold 6. to get
7. to have 8. to come
9. be 10. knows