跪求单证英语翻译 高手进Private&Confidential Dear Sirs, We have received a letter from the Auto Engineering Co. ,Ltd.in Nigeria,expressing their desire to enter into business relations with us on condition that we allow them a standing cred

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 16:53:28
跪求单证英语翻译 高手进Private&Confidential Dear Sirs, We have received a letter from the Auto Engineering Co. ,Ltd.in Nigeria,expressing their desire to enter into business relations with us on condition that we allow them a standing cred

跪求单证英语翻译 高手进Private&Confidential Dear Sirs, We have received a letter from the Auto Engineering Co. ,Ltd.in Nigeria,expressing their desire to enter into business relations with us on condition that we allow them a standing cred
跪求单证英语翻译 高手进
Private&Confidential Dear Sirs, We have received a letter from the Auto Engineering Co. ,Ltd.in Nigeria,expressing their desire to enter into business relations with us on condition that we allow them a standing credit of GBP4 000 to start business. As stated in their letter,their reference is the National Bank of Nigeria, Ibadan. It is our principle to have more connections abroad,however ,for safety's sake,we should like to know the financial and credit standing of the abovementioned company,especially because they have requested us for a standing credit,which we seldom grant to new customers. We should be very pleased if you would assist us in this respect,and we can assure you that any information you may give us will be treated in absolute confidence. Your sincerely,

跪求单证英语翻译 高手进Private&Confidential Dear Sirs, We have received a letter from the Auto Engineering Co. ,Ltd.in Nigeria,expressing their desire to enter into business relations with us on condition that we allow them a standing cred
私人机密信函 亲爱的先生们 我们收到了一封来自尼日利亚的汽车工程有限公司的信,信中说明他们想和我公司进行业务往来,但需要授信4000英磅来开展业务.在信的开头他们提到介绍人是尼日利亚国家银行 我们的原则是多开展海外业务往来,然后出于安全的目的,我们需要了解上面所提公司的财务和信誉状况,特别是因为他们要求我方之前很少进行的授信 我们将对贵方的协助调查表示感谢,我们确保您给我们提供的任何信息都会毫无疑问地采纳 敬上

跪求单证英语翻译 高手进Private&Confidential Dear Sirs, We have received a letter from the Auto Engineering Co. ,Ltd.in Nigeria,expressing their desire to enter into business relations with us on condition that we allow them a standing cred private Private 英语翻译China Airlines 和 apply to private 英语翻译!private company constituents什么意思? 英语翻译Private StoredValue As DoublePrivate Const opNone = 0Private Const opAdd = 1Private Const opSubtract = 2Private Const opMultiply = 3Private Const opDivide = 4Private Operator As IntegerPrivate NewEntry As Boolean' Remove the last characte 英语翻译import flash.text.TextField;import flash.ui.Mouse;public class Main extends Sprite {private var score:Number;public var score_txt:TextField;private var stageW:Number;private var stageH:Number;private var content_mc:Sprite;private var mous 英语翻译控制标签移动private sub timer1_timer()if label1.left 英语翻译linux里的private colormap/private_colormap option中文是什么? 英语翻译或K-Bird 高手进进进. 英语翻译import flash.text.TextField;import flash.ui.Mouse;public class Main extends Sprite {private var score:Number;//得分值public var score_txt:TextField;//得分显示private var stageW:Number;private var stageH:Number;private var content_m 高手进.英译汉.人工翻译谢谢Against that backdrop, it is small wonder that theglobal private banking industry has identified expansion in the Asia-Pacific region as an urgent priority. A recent studypublished by KPMG in Switzerland found th 有没有英语翻译高手? 英语翻译请高手解答 求教高手化工英语翻译! 英语翻译高手告诉以下 英语翻译,求高手帮帮忙 英语翻译请高手出招.