
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 12:05:48


point 1.we insisit that internet has more advantages than shortcomings.As we know,computer can do something we human being can not do .With the help of internet,we can finish the complex work.No wonder it become a part of our life and work.
point 2 .Internet makes world smaller.No matter where you come from,which language you speak,what colour you look like,how old you are,you can make friends through the internet.You can send E-mail to eachother to keep in touch.The company do business with computer,it is called E-commerce,it make a contribution to the development of world economy.
point3 .Let us move on.See the disadvantage over surf on line.First,it will hurt your eye and harm your health.Obviously,many children waste their time playing computer games,they are addicted into it,like using drugs.It is bad for their study.Many people are cheated on line,they are easy to believe in others,but ,it is a pity not all the people are Jesus.
point 4 .In a word,each coin has two sides.The internet benefit our life more,so ,we hold the view that internet has more advantages than shortcomings.

网络利大于弊的正方的英文辩论词要求有提纲,详细点 网络利大于弊 辩论词我是正方 网络利于弊辩论会利大于弊辩论词(正方) 网络利大于弊辩论词 网络利大于弊还是弊大于利 辩论词我是正方利大于弊, 使用网络语言是利大于弊还是弊大于利,我正方(利大于弊)求辩论词~ 辩论会演讲稿我们正方是关于中国独生子女的利大于弊,要求最强演讲稿! 网络利大于弊/弊大于利 辩论赛用 正方辩词主要是1辩和4辩 辩词 要是有自由辩论压倒性的问题更好 辩论赛正方 中学生上网利大于弊不需要辩论稿 只要帮忙整理出资料 要求分类清晰一是网络的作用和好处 一条条罗列出来 不要口语化 尽量专业 越多越好二是从网络的发展谈对中学生的影响 辩论的题目是:网络利大于弊和弊大于利(正反方的辩论词) 克隆技术利大于弊的辩论词 追星利大于弊的辩论词 看电视的利与弊辩论(正方)利大于弊 辩论赛 辩题 网络对人际关系的影响利大于弊 我是正方 跪求网络语言的利大于弊的辩论稿 上网,看电视 利大于弊辩论词我是正方,上网,看电视的好处要接近生活 上网利大于弊的理由我们班要开一场辩论赛 .急需辩论词 .(我是正方 .) 辩论赛:网络文化是利大于弊我们是正方,观点就是网络文化是利大于弊最好能提供三辨辩词 我有点弄错了,辩题是网络对文学发展利大于弊 新加坡式的辩论