
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 23:27:55



unbee line(波浪形的线)或wave line

tilde ( ~ ) pronounced "TILL-duh" (IPA /'tɪldə/) or "TILL-day".
apostrophe ( ' ) ( ’ )
brackets ( ( ) ) ( [ ] ) ( { } ) ( 〈 〉 )
colon ( : )
comma ( , )


tilde ( ~ ) pronounced "TILL-duh" (IPA /'tɪldə/) or "TILL-day".
apostrophe ( ' ) ( ’ )
brackets ( ( ) ) ( [ ] ) ( { } ) ( 〈 〉 )
colon ( : )
comma ( , )
dashes ( ‒ ) ( – ) ( — ) ( ― )
ellipsis ( … ) ( ... )
exclamation mark ( ! )
full stop/period ( . )
hyphen ( - ) ( ‐ )
interrobang ( ‽ )
question mark ( ? )
quotation marks ( ‘ ’ ) ( “ ” )
semicolon ( ; )
slash/solidus ( / )
space ( )
interpunct ( · )
Other typographer's marks
ampersand ( & )
asterisk ( * )
asterism ( ⁂ )
at ( @ )
backslash ( \ )
bullet ( •, more )
dagger ( † ‡ )
degrees ( ° )
number sign ( # )
prime ( ′ )
underscore ( _ )
vertical bar/pipe ( | )

The tilde (~) is a grapheme which has several uses, described below. The name of the character comes from Spanish, from the Latin titulus meaning a title or superscription, and is pronounced "TILL-duh" (IPA /'tɪldə/) or "TILL-day". It was originally written over a letter as a diacritic (see below), but has since acquired a number of other uses as a character in its own right. In this capacity (especially in lexicography) it is also sometimes known as the swung dash (usually lengthened to ⁓).
It is also worth mentioning that in Spanish, the word tilde does not only refer to the ~ symbol as in English; the accent mark over vowels (e.g. é) is also called a tilde in Spanish. Diacritic use. In languages, tilde is a diacritic mark (~) placed over a letter to indicate a change in pronunciation, such as nasalisation.
In the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), the tilde is used over a symbol to mark nasalization and through a symbol to mark velarization.
It is sometimes used as punctuation (instead of a hyphen or dash) between two numbers, to indicate that they are a range, Japanese and other Asian languages almost always use this convention, but it is often done for clarity in other languages as well. For example: 12~15 means "12 to 15", ~3 means "up to three" and 100~ means "100 and greater". In Japanese, the tilde is also used to separate a title and a subtitle in the same line.
In mathematics, the tilde, often pronounced "twiddle," is often used to denote an equivalence relation between two objects. Thus x ~ y means x "is equivalent to" y (Note that this is quite different from stating that x equals y). Especially, it can be used to denote the asymptotical equality of two functions. For example, f(x) ~ g(x), means that limx→∞ f(x)/g(x) = 1.
In English, it is often used to mean "approximately". Therefore, ~10 would be "about 10". Similar symbols are used in mathematics, such as in π ≈ 3.14, "π is about equal to 3.14". Since the double-tilde (≈) is not available from the keyboard, the tilde (~) became a substitute when typing. There is also a triple-tilde (≋), which is used to show congruence. ComputingIn Unix shells, the tilde indicates the current user's home directory (e.g., /home/username). When prepended to a particular username, it indicates that user's home directory (e.g., ~janedoe for the home directory of user janedoe, typically /home/janedoe). When some Unix shell commands overwrite a file, they can be made to keep a backup by renaming the original file as filename~.
Used in URLs on the World Wide Web, it often denotes a personal website on a Unix-based server. For example, [1] might be the personal web site of John Doe. This mimics the Unix shell usage of the tilde. However, when accessed from the web, file access is usually directed to a subdirectory in the user's home directory, such as /home/username/public_html or /home/username/www.
It is used in the Perl programming language as part of the pattern match operators for regular expressions:
$a =~ /regex/ returns true if the variable is matched.
$a !~ /regex/ returns false if the variable is matched.
The popularity of Perl's regular expression syntax has led to the use of these operators in other programming languages, such as Ruby.
In the C and C++ programming languages, the tilde character is used to invert the bits of an integer. In C++, the tilde is also used as the first character in a class's method name (where the rest of the name must be the same name as the class) to indicate a destructor - a special method which is called at the end of the object's life.
In the D programming language, the tilde is used as an array concatenation operator, as well as to indicate an object destructor.


1. colon :
2. hyphen -
3. underline _
4. question mark ?
5. period .
6. exclamation mark !
7. semi-colon ;
8. parentheses ( )
9. quotation mark “”
10. comma ,

~ This is called a ___.
` This is called a ___.
grave or grave accent
! This is called an ___.
exclamation mark
@ This symbol means ___.


~ This is called a ___.
` This is called a ___.
grave or grave accent
! This is called an ___.
exclamation mark
@ This symbol means ___.
# This symbol means ___.
$ This is called a ___.
dollar sign
% This symbol means ___.
per cent
^ This symbol is called a ___.
caret or circumflex
& This symbol is called an ___ and means ___.
ampersand - and
* This symbol is called an ___.
( ) These two marks are called ___.
- This is called a ___.
+ This symbol is called a ___.
plus sign
= This symbol is called an ___.
equal sign
{ } These marks are called ___.
[ ] These marks are called ___.
: This is called a ___.
; This is called a ___.
" " These marks are called ___.
quotation marks or quotes
" " In British English, these marks are called ___.
inverted commas
' This is called an ___.
, This is called a ___.
. This is called a ___.
. In British English, this is called a ___.
full stop
... Three periods together are called an ___.
? This is called a ___.
question mark
/ This is called a ___.
forward slash or virgule
\ This is called a ___.
back slash
< > These marks are called ___.
angle brackets
