50分求介绍圣经的一段话,英文只要介绍圣经的,内容和作者什么的只要语法正确就好了,内容的话百度里什么里搜来也可以的两分半到三分钟的量.多一点也可以.我很 抱歉你们 的 都 没有办法

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 11:11:16
50分求介绍圣经的一段话,英文只要介绍圣经的,内容和作者什么的只要语法正确就好了,内容的话百度里什么里搜来也可以的两分半到三分钟的量.多一点也可以.我很 抱歉你们 的 都 没有办法

50分求介绍圣经的一段话,英文只要介绍圣经的,内容和作者什么的只要语法正确就好了,内容的话百度里什么里搜来也可以的两分半到三分钟的量.多一点也可以.我很 抱歉你们 的 都 没有办法
我很 抱歉你们 的 都 没有办法用
时间 也没有到 也不是纯介绍的

50分求介绍圣经的一段话,英文只要介绍圣经的,内容和作者什么的只要语法正确就好了,内容的话百度里什么里搜来也可以的两分半到三分钟的量.多一点也可以.我很 抱歉你们 的 都 没有办法
What Is the Bible?
The Bible says about specific subjects Learning about God,his spirit,and Jesus Christ,and understanding the ruth according to the Bible and equips yourself to disclose the errors of false teachers and wayward cult leaders.Moreover,Grow in your faith and discover the mysteries revealed in God's Word,for there you will find answers to all your questions,problems,and hopes.圣经教导人们了解上帝、他的精神和救世主耶稣,懂得教义中的悲悯,使你具备某种能力-发现那些误导老师、自以为是的信仰领袖的错误.

The Bible is the central religious text of Judaism and Christianity.
Modern Judaism generally recognizes a single set of canonical books known as the Tanakh, or Hebrew or Jewish Bible. It comprise...


The Bible is the central religious text of Judaism and Christianity.
Modern Judaism generally recognizes a single set of canonical books known as the Tanakh, or Hebrew or Jewish Bible. It comprises three parts: the Torah ("Teaching", also known as the Pentateuch or "Five Books of Moses"), the Prophets, and the Writings. It was primarily written in Hebrew with some small portions in Aramaic.
Most of Protestant Christianity uses the books of the Tanakh, in a different order, as the Old Testament. Other Christian groups, such and the Catholics and Orthodox, include additional books in their Old Testament, called the Deuterocanonical Books, or the Apocrypha. The Christian Bible includes both the Old Testament and a collection of newer canonical books known as the New Testament.


What Is the Bible?
The Bible says about specific subjects Learning about God, his spirit, and Jesus Christ, and understanding the ruth according to the Bible and equips yourself to disclose the e...


What Is the Bible?
The Bible says about specific subjects Learning about God, his spirit, and Jesus Christ, and understanding the ruth according to the Bible and equips yourself to disclose the errors of false teachers and wayward cult leaders. Moreover, Grow in your faith and discover the mysteries revealed in God's Word, for there you will find answers to all your questions, problems, and hopes. 圣经教导人们了解上帝、他的精神和救世主耶稣,懂得教义中的悲悯, 使你具备某种能力-发现那些误导老师、自以为是的信仰领袖的错误。
The Bible is the central religious text of Judaism and Christianity.
Modern Judaism generally recognizes a single set of canonical books known as the Tanakh, or Hebrew or Jewish Bible. It comprises three parts: the Torah ("Teaching", also known as the Pentateuch or "Five Books of Moses"), the Prophets, and the Writings. It was primarily written in Hebrew with some small portions in Aramaic.
Most of Protestant Christianity uses the books of the Tanakh, in a different order, as the Old Testament. Other Christian groups, such and the Catholics and Orthodox, include additional books in their Old Testament, called the Deuterocanonical Books, or the Apocrypha. The Christian Bible includes both the Old Testament and a collection of newer canonical books known as the New Testament.
