急求帮助用英语翻译一篇演讲稿服务从微笑开始有人这样形容人生: 人生如画,有了微笑的画卷便添了亮丽的色彩. 人生如酒,有了微笑的美酒便飘着诱人的醇香. 人生如歌,有了微笑的歌声

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 12:24:29
急求帮助用英语翻译一篇演讲稿服务从微笑开始有人这样形容人生:  人生如画,有了微笑的画卷便添了亮丽的色彩.  人生如酒,有了微笑的美酒便飘着诱人的醇香.  人生如歌,有了微笑的歌声

急求帮助用英语翻译一篇演讲稿服务从微笑开始有人这样形容人生: 人生如画,有了微笑的画卷便添了亮丽的色彩. 人生如酒,有了微笑的美酒便飘着诱人的醇香. 人生如歌,有了微笑的歌声
《辞海》说,笑是“因感喜悦而开怀”,也是人类内心世界的七情六欲之一,但它却是一种高质量的精神状态,特别是微笑.自古以来人们就有“千金难买一笑”、“一笑解千愁”的说法,而“尘世难缝开口笑,菊花须插满头归 ”说明真正做到笑口常开,不容易,出门办事最怕的就是“铁板脸”、“苦瓜脸”.清朗明丽的微笑充溢着一股春的气息,赏心悦目,使人很自然地产生一种好感.一次,有一位大爷提着一大袋零钱一脸难色地走进来,站在门边象在犹豫什么,银行员工见了马上站起来微笑着说:“大爷,有什么要帮忙吗?”看到微笑老大爷受到了鼓舞,走过去问:“小妹妹,我家拆房子了,零钱整出一大堆,能帮帮忙换一下吗?”“能”这位员工爽快地应了下来,几位同事都过来帮忙,不到二十分钟就好了,老大爷拿着五十几元钱,像中了大奖似的非常开心,逢人就说:“我儿子、媳妇都说这么碎的零钱现在没处换,我也在好几家银行碰了壁,在工商银行的门口,我看到了里面小姑娘的笑脸,进去试试,成了.这真是我们老百姓自己的银行哎”.

急求帮助用英语翻译一篇演讲稿服务从微笑开始有人这样形容人生: 人生如画,有了微笑的画卷便添了亮丽的色彩. 人生如酒,有了微笑的美酒便飘着诱人的醇香. 人生如歌,有了微笑的歌声
Service begins with a smile
Some describe life:
Life is a smile,and added a tapestry of bright colors.
Life is like wine,a smile of wine with attractive fragrance.
Life is like a song,smile more touching song.
Life is like a book,the books will have a smile flashing theme.
Open the door,the first bank greeted neither new nor unified decoration,dress,but we face.However,we can unify the decoration,we can make unified outfit,we face can unify?The answer is:can.Because we face are smiling!
Citing says,laughing is "for feeling joy and laugh," the human mind is one of the seven feelings six desires,but it is a kind of high quality state of mind,especially to smile.Since ancient times,people would have laughed,"priceless" and "laughter,the best medicine",and "earth nine openings smile,chrysanthemum must be inserted more" truly smile,not easy,eps fear most is "face","iron bitter face".Cool and bright smile with a breath of spring,pleasing to the eye,make the person produces a very naturally.Once there was a big carrying a bag to be reluctant to change a face,standing in the doorway into the elephant,the bank staff saw immediately stand up smiled and said:"big ye,have what you need some help?" See smiling old man was encouraged to walk past ask:"my little sister,open house,a lot of,the change can help change?" ","the employee can readily be down,several colleagues have come to help,less than twenty minutes,old man took some 50 yuan,like the jackpot like very happy,people will say:" my son and daughter-in-law all say so fragile change now,I also don't change in several Banks touched on the wall,commercial bank door,I saw a girl's smiling face,go inside,try.It is our people own bank ah ".
A smile is a lamp on the sea of faces light,give a person,hope to people,a smile is a sunshine,can penetrate the dark,warm and creatures.A poem that reads:"smiling,oh,so long as you smile smile,smile smile response countless; as long as you smile,life is full of laughter.Smile is our spirit is the best,the shortest distance between the fierce competition in the market economy,the environment,the pace of life in the work,under the situation of accelerating the icbc,as we today,only truly "smile" as the enterprise competition and development of bottom-up method,can provide the service for our heart.
The famous musician GuJianFen once wrote this song:please put my songs to your home,please put your smile.For our industry and commerce Banks is:please take our service to your home,please put your smile,smile to the customer,from our own smile.Friends,every guest,fortune!

急求帮助用英语翻译一篇演讲稿服务从微笑开始有人这样形容人生: 人生如画,有了微笑的画卷便添了亮丽的色彩. 人生如酒,有了微笑的美酒便飘着诱人的醇香. 人生如歌,有了微笑的歌声 帮忙啊,写一篇2分钟关于微笑服务的演讲稿我是一名客服人员,见不到客户,用语言解决问题,请帮助写一篇关于微笑服务的演讲稿,只要两分钟的. 酒店微笑服务演讲稿 急求一篇英文关于让人们经常微笑的演讲稿 帮忙写一篇“微笑面对生活”的演讲稿!急 急求一份酒店服务标准化演讲稿 急求一份护士〈热爱护理工作倡导微笑服务〉为主题的演讲稿我是一名刚刚进入医院工作的护士,医院要搞这次演讲活动要求每个人都参加, 求一篇短篇演讲稿,急 微笑面对生活英文演讲稿 大概3分钟! 各位大虾 求帮助 急求一篇孝道演讲稿高中升旗仪式演讲稿 医疗微笑服务演讲稿有关行风的一篇稿子!本人程度有限,现求有识之士给解决一下!最好的全稿!关于行业风气的,比较笼统的,再着我是体检医生! 急寻一篇关于“微笑的力量”英文演讲稿,是英文的哦, 以the color of my life 为主题,演讲稿一篇~~~求帮助~~~谢谢!急~~~要英文的! 求一篇名为《微笑面对生活》的英文演讲稿.演讲时间2分半左右.谢谢大家!急需. 求一篇关于微笑的作文.急. 急求关于微笑的演讲稿!一定要快,拜托了! 求初三演讲稿《微笑面对生活》要原创的,谢谢急啊,求救 写一篇关于微笑面对生活的演讲稿