
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 19:16:42


This is a kind of belief,which not only must managers must have,and ordinary employees should also have .
This is a kind of belief,one that not only managers but also the ordinary staff are required to have.

This is a kind of belief, not only does it require managers must have, and ordinary employees should also have

This is faith that not only management but also staff need to have.

This is a faith, which not only managers but also the ordinary staff are required to have.

It's a faith that not only the managers should acquire, but also the employees.

This is a kind of belief,which not only require managers must have,but also ordinary employees should have.

It is a belief that not only requires the manager to possess,but also for the ordinary staff to possess.

This kind of belief is not only required by manager, but also the ordinary eployers should have.

This is a religion that not only the managers should have but also the ordinary employees should .

It's a kind of belief, which should be required not only by managers, but also by ordinary employees.

This is some sort of belief which requires the possession of both the managers and general staff
This is a belief which requires not only the management but the general staff as well be equipped with .

This is a belief, which requires / demands that not only managers but also ordinary staff (should ) have / possess.
This is a belief, requiring not only managers but also ordinary staff to have / possess.

英语翻译这是一种信仰,它不仅要求管理者必须具备,而且普通员工也必须具备(这种信仰). 幸福是一种信仰,我是它虔诚的信徒 英文翻译 CS是一种信仰英文怎么说 为什么说幸福是一种信仰 如何理解管理首先是一种责任?这一观念对企业经营管理者有什么样的启示? 它是人类对世界的看法及对未来的憧憬 英文它不仅仅是一种信仰,也是人类对世界的看法及对未来的憧憬 英文 英语翻译以上权威著作和权威人士的论述把禁忌的意义、目的和作用大致说清楚了,但是这些解释多侧重对人类祖先原始信仰的研究.事实上,禁忌是人们对某些言行的自我限制,它不仅来源于人 英语翻译这是灯笼.我非常喜欢它,因为它的样子很可爱,形状可爱又色彩丰富.它是中国的一种对吉祥、幸福的象征,我把它送给您,不仅希望您能够喜爱中国的传统,并且希望它能带给您幸福和快 什么是一种控制又是一种理想,是构成管理者的第一个要素 英语翻译我曾经说过一句话,篮球是一种执着,是一种信仰.不管实在电脑上还是在球场上,我热爱篮球,为它疯狂.每次打篮球的时候,我都会全身心的投入,会忘掉一切烦恼,只是在打球,在享受一种 信仰一定是唯心主义么?比如我有信仰.但我信仰科学.这叫信仰么? 英语翻译“激励是管理的核心”[2].虽然薪酬不是激励的惟一手段,但是薪酬激励却是一个非常重要,同时也经常被管理者运用的一种激励方式,是管理者目前采用的一种较为普遍、有效激励手段 一种信仰英语怎么说 管理者 为自己的信仰而死是一种幸福吗 马克思主义理想信念是一种健全的信仰,表现在 曹文轩讲座《阅读是一种信仰》听后感怎么写? 求曹文轩《阅读是一种信仰》,读后感,不要讲大道理,快